SSSP Labor Studies Business Meeting Minutes 7/7/22 via Zoom Attendance Todd Vachon (chair), Emily Yen (Vice Chair), Louis Esparza, Salvador Rangel, Sue Sherifali, Aizham Shom, Noreen Sugrue, Tracy Vargas, Jackie Zalewski Agenda Call to Order at 1:05pm EST Welcome from Division Chair Introductions Reminder to Submit Summer Newsletter Items Remarks from SSSP President, Noreen Sugrue -Op-Ed Writing Workshops -Sociologists in the Public Square Discussion of Session Ideas for 2023 conference -see below for list of ideas Adjourned at 1:55pm EST Session Ideas for 2023 Conference Session Name Co-Sponsor (or solo) Organizer(s) Contingent Work Issues maybe institutional ethnography Jackie Zalewski + Seth Khan, other? Youth and Work maybe youth/aging division Aizham Shom Low Wage Labor and Corporate Responses maybe poverty/class/inequality and/or law & society Tracy Vargas Labor and Covid maybe health division Noreen Sugrue Exodus from Academic Work maybe educational problems Salvador Rangel Challenges of Organizing in the “New Normal” maybe community research and development Sue Sherifali A Practitioner Panel TBD SOLO Emily Yen Labor in Global South maybe global Louis Esparza Gender and Work maybe Gender Tracy Vargas Employment and wellbeing/mental health maybe mental health division Aizham Shom Other Ideas: Digitization of labor markets Roe v Wade and Work