Sociology and Social Welfare Division Meeting Minutes Saturday, July 30, 2022 at 4pm EST Zoom Members Present: Greer Hamilton (Co-Chair), Michael Johnston, Melanie Morris, Stephen (Tom) Tomczak * Introduction to the division, ways to get involved o Discussed the upcoming Chair election that will be happening in Fall 2022 o Greer’s role as Co-Chair concludes in 2023 so the division will need to identify folks to run for Co-Chair. * Review the existing budget o The 2022-2023 budget was sent to administrative staff in the spring. The $600 budget is consistent with the 2021 budget and includes money for a book review person, student award, and newsletter editor. o Michael suggested that we rethink the approach to identifying books to be included in the newsletter since in the past many members did not submit their own books to be reviewed. * Soliciting ideas for the 2023 Conference’s S&SW Division o Members present wanted to see sessions focused on social welfare history, historical analysis methods, a section about social welfare and social movements. o Greer will touch base with the division chairs at the annual meeting. * Soliciting volunteers for sessions and committees o Members at the division meeting would be interested in supporting some of the sessions, but may not be able to organize a session.