Summer 2023 Business Meeting Minutes Monday, July 17, 1:00PM EST via Zoom Present: Amani Awaad, Meghna Bhat, Shannon Carter, Melinda Chen, Raphia Mallick, Alan Martino, stef shuster, Laurel Westbrook 1) Introductions 2) Announcement of New Gender Division Leadership Incoming Division Chair: Pallavi Banerjee Division Vice-Chair: Meghna Bhat 3) Announcement of Gender Division Award Winners Student Paper Award: "Gendered Money and Relational Work: Women’s Money and Labor in Matrimonial Disputes in India" Upasana Garnaik (, University of Texas at Austin Outstanding Article Award: Shuster, Stef M. (, and Laurel Westbrook ( 2022. “Reducing the Joy Deficit in Sociology: A Study of Transgender Joy.” Social Problems Discussion of the Outstanding Article Award, including importance of the project and the story of its conceptualization. 4) Budget – 2024 Division Budget Budget Items Requested Amount 1. Stipend to Division Newsletter Editor $200 2. Cash graduate student paper award winner $150 3. Student paper honorable mention $50 4. Cash award to the Division’s Outstanding Article Award Winner $100 5. Co-sponsorship of division reception $100 Total $600 5) SSSP Resolution Proposals – Gender Division Submitted two proposals. Open for comments and then will be discussed at annual meeting; vote to follow if brought forward. SSSP Resolution to Oppose State Interference with Academic Freedom Submitted by: Shannon Carter, Gender Division; Dana Moss, Conflict, Social Action and Change Division; Janelle Pham, Sexual Behavior, Politics and Communities Division; Myron Strong, Educational Problems Division SSSP Resolution to Support Gender-Affirming Healthcare Submitted by: Shannon Carter, Gender Division; Jennifer Bulanda, Virginia Berndt, and Yuying Shen, Division of Health, Health Policy, & Health Services  6) 2024 Division Session Ideas – Conference Theme: Toward a Sociology of Violence Can organize up to 10 total sessions: 3 Division-Sponsored Sessions (1 thematic); 7 Co-Sponsored Sessions Types of Sessions: Regular Paper Sessions, Tables in the Round, Critical Dialogue Session ideas generated from discussion: - Immigration and Gender Violence – Raphia Mallick - Gender, Race and Censorship (and its consequences) – Amani Awaad (Chair of Race/Ethnic Studies Division; potential collaboration) - Indigenous Communities and Violence – Melinda Chen - Gender, Religion, and Incarceration – Raphia Mallick (potential collaboration with Crime Division) - Critical Dialogue regarding Anti-Harassment Work – Meghna Bhat (Amplify work of SSSP Anti-harassment committee and other similar initiatives) - Gender and Pedagogy in Various Social Spaces/How to Teach about Gender to Different Audiences – Meghna Bhat (Pedagogy focused sessions are also helpful for including teaching-oriented faculty and graduate students) 7) Closing comments. Meeting adjourned at 1:48pm.