2020 IE Division of SSSP Business Meeting Current Chair: LaNysha Adams Attendees: 30 registered, 18 attended Date: August 29, 2020 Time: 5:00pm EDT Meeting Recording Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ4WwMYTolU Meeting Slides Available: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxpb2m3jjyvr9vi/2020%20IE%20Business%20Mtg%20Slides.pdf?d l=0 I. Welcome & Introductions • Dorothy Smith joined our meeting and provided opening remarks • Discussed upcoming book with Alison Griffith, Simply Institutional Ethnography, reflecting on their experiences of IE • Explained she’s finalizing the book and reworking its last chapter, reflecting on directions in which IE might go • She emphasized the need to extend the scope of what we can find out and learn using IE • Dorothy encouraged people to recognize potentialities of IE and to understand it is not a set of instructions • We engaged in a general discussion about IE and its history: Paul Luken and Tim Diamond were the driving forces to establish the IE Division in SSSP in 2003 and at ISA • While not the largest division within SSSP, IE is one of the most active and energetic • Anecdotes from seasoned IEers on the early days within SSSP Attendees (n=18) included: Dorothy Smith, Marie Campbell, Suzanne Vaughan, Colin Hastings, Katie Koralesky, Janet Rankin, Astrid Schorn, Cheryl Zurawski, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Marj DeVault, Gina Petonito June Jeon, Catherine Jenkins, Rashmee Karnad-Jani, Lauren Eastwood, Paul Luken, Eleni Kariki, Henry Parada II. Division Chair Nomination & Fall Elections Timestamp: 30 minutes • LaNysha’s term ends in August 2021 • Next Chair’s Term: 2021-2023 • We discussed role and responsibilities of Division Chair and its benefits, including leading our Division and serving as steward of the Annual Conference, along with free conference registration. • UPDATE: At the 8/14 virtual board meeting, the Board of Directors approved the following action item. Based on this action item, divisions will not be able to provide Division Chairs with complimentary annual meeting registration. ACTION ITEM from 8/14: “The Board clarified that Divisional monies may only be used to fund items that enhance Divisional activities (not gift memberships), and that such verbiage will be added to the Operations Manual under the Roles and Responsibilities of Division Chairs section.” • One of the main roles is organizing sessions, collaborating with other divisions to co­sponsor. Each session has a lead organizer so it’s not up to the Division Chair to organize the sessions, primarily oversees the titles • While there is no formal team working alongside the Chair, former Chairs (Lauren, Naomi, LaNysha) are available as support while serving as Chair • Two nominees must be identified by November: Colin Hastings and Mike Corman were suggested. • LaNysha proposed abandoning our current practice of US/Canada every other year and instead adopt a practice focused on the leadership development of passionate IEers wanting to further connections amongst us and to grow SSSP membership. ACTION ITEMS Current Chair to follow-up with suggested nominees. UPDATE: After the meeting, Colin agreed to run in the Fall 2020 election and is willing to serve as Division Chair. Current Chair to clarify the rules around our incentive for free conference registration; that is no longer a possibility due to the Board of Directors action item on 8/14 Current Chair to have 1-on-1 meetings with nominees and others interested in running for the Fall 2020 election Current Chair to share Dropbox folder of documents and SSSP business info with Incumbent Chair A counterpart will need to be identified to run against Colin Division Chair Nominees will need to submit bio’s to LaNysha by Nov. 1 so she can send to SSSP business office III. 2021 IE Workshop Timestamp: 47 minutes • One-day workshop scheduled for Monday, August 9, 2021 • Discussed workshop theme “Challenges & Solutions When Applying IE” o examples: committee members, application in non-academic settings, data analysis, mapping ruling relations, etc. o Susan Turner: “How to use my IE mapping to both design (develop the focus and direction) and carry out IE research with people. In my work, the mapping is integral to all research processes.” • Working sessions focus like in past years: Participants would either: (1) submit work/ideas that they would like feedback on/discussion about according to aspect related to workshop theme, (2) offer to serve as "seasoned" IEers who would lead the discussions, or (3) observe discussions about work and ask questions. • General discussion: good to start planning in advance, ensure flexibility to meet participant needs, could have a panel of speakers from the Palgrave Handbook of Institutional Ethnography, ensure that there is a virtual component or even 100% remote depending on status of pandemic, ideas from organizers at the Digital PhD Course on IE in December • Developed IE Workshop committee, including: LaNysha Adams (chair), Colin Hastings, Rashmee Kanard-Jani, Lauren Eastwood, and Rebecca Lund ACTION ITEMS: Hold IE committee meeting ahead of Oct. 1 to meet SSSP business deadline to provide a brief description, including workshop fees, for the 2021 annual meeting registration UPDATE: The Board of Directors approved our request for meeting space (one room that will accommodate up to 75 people-theatre style) for the IE Division Workshop on Monday, August 9, 2021. The meeting room is available from 8:30am-6:30pm. IV. 2021 Awards Committees Timestamp: 58 minutes • Activist Award, no recipient for 2020; Praxis was awarded it in 2019 • Developed Activist Award committee, including: Marj, Suzanne, Naomi Nichols • Winner of 2020 Student Award, June Jeon, expressed gratitude for the award and was eager to serve on committees and help with division • June’s paper can be accessed: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0306312719872823 • Citation: Jeon, J. (2019). Invisibilizing politics: Accepting and legitimating ignorance in environmental sciences. Social Studies of Science, 49(6), 839–862. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306312719872823 • Developed Student Award committee, including: June Jeon (committee chair), LaNysha Adams, Marie Campbell ACTIONS ITEMS: Chair and members to encourage other members to join committees, especially the Activist Award Committee (maybe reach out to previous recipients) Chair to hold meeting with Student Award and Activist Committees to encourage structure and explain timeline for review and acceptance • early November target date V. 2021 Annual Meeting Planning Timestamp: 1 hour 6 minutes • Start with sessions we had from this year’s canceled conference • Some divisions that are excited to co-sponsor with IE: Gender, Educational Problems, Disability, Society and Mental Health • There are 23 divisions for us to co-create sessions with Session Types • Regular: These sessions are composed of 4 papers and a discussant or 5 papers without a discussant. • Papers in the Round: These sessions are composed of multiple roundtables in the same room. Each roundtable should have 4 papers with an established scholar as discussant. May be difficult to do technologically. • Critical Dialogue: Short (5-minute) presentations by up to 8 authors. These sessions encourage conversation and audience participation. This format started in 2012 and is particularly impactful as it purposefully fosters dialogue between scholars and activists. • SSSP strongly encourages us to make use of the Critical Dialogue format as much as we can, especially for sessions we are sponsoring/co-sponsoring on the program theme. 2021 CONFERENCE THEME Revolutionary Sociology: Truth, Healing, Reparations & Reconstruction Tentative division sponsored sessions: 1. Thematic, Critical Dialogue: Institutional Ethnography in Support of Decolonization, organizer – Cheryl Zurawski, czurawski6@gmail.com 2. Thematic, Critical Dialogue: Revolutionizing Sociology in The Palgrave Handbook of Institutional Ethnography, organizers – Paul Luken, pluken@bellsouth.net and Suzanne Vaughan, suzanne.vaughan@asu.edu 3. Paper Session: The Social Organization of Knowledge, organizer – Lauren Eastwood, eastwole@plattsburgh.edu 4. Paper Session: New Directions in Institutional Ethnography, organizer – Naomi Nichols, naominichols@trentu.ca Tentative Co-Sponsored Sessions: 1. [CONFIRMED] Thematic, Critical Dialogue: COVID-19 and the Politics of Education, organizers – Kyla Dougherty Walters, waltersk@sonoma.edu and Rashmee Karnad-Jani (rashmee.karnad.jani@mail.utoronto.ca) (Co-Sponsors: Education; Disability; Institutional Ethnography) a. Papers welcome for this session include topics such as: mothering, schooling, and disability issues as they relate to COVID-19 and politics in education. 2. Paper Session: Disability and Media: Inclusion, Access, and Representation (Possible Co-Sponsor: Disability) 3. Paper Session: Reflexivity and the Self in Institutional Spaces, organizers – Jessica Braimoh, braimoja@mcmaster.ca & Orla M. Murray, orlammurray@gmail.com (Possible Co-Sponsor: Gender) 4. Thematic, VIRTUAL SESSION: Institutional Ethnography as an Alternative Revolutionary Sociology Around the World, organizer – Ann Christin Eklund Nilsen, ann.c.nilsen@uia.no (Possible Co-Sponsor: Labor Studies; Community Research & Development; Conflict, Social Action, and Change) 5. Critical Dialogue: Inverting Parent-Child Care: New Opportunities for Social Problems Theorizing (Possible Co-Sponsor: Social Problems Theory) – NEED ORGANIZER 6. Thematic, VIRTUAL SESSION: Institutional Ethnography and the Epistemologies of the Global South – organizer Henry Parada, hparada@ryerson.ca (Possible Co-Sponsor: Global) 7. Paper Session: Health Services and Health Policies: Transforming Institutions, organizers – Cathy Ringham, clringha@ucalgary.ca and Janet Rankin, jmrankin@ucalgary.edu.qa (Possible Co-Sponsor: Society and Mental Health; Health, Health Policy, and Health Services) ACTIONS ITEMS: Chair to email notes and the above list to members, members refine, and then Chair finalizes in discussions with other divisions to co-sponsor Members who might want to organize a session that are not listed above will need to contact the Chair UPDATE: Education and Disability have agreed to co-sponsor with us on “COVID-19 and the Politics of Education.” The chair compromised on the awesome title Rashmee suggested, but can ensure an IE focus by co-organizing papers and ensuring that mothering work is an important part of this session. VI. Open Floor/Additional Announcements Timestamp: 1 hour 31 minutes • Due to pandemic, membership has declined within SSSP and in our division. • Membership for students, activists, and unemployed is $33. • The Palgrave Handbook of Institutional Ethnography is a huge accomplishment (large edited volume) o Encourage universities to order the book, promote the book through SSSP activities, and IEers to publish in the University of Toronto Series. While there are some challenges for non-Canadian authors, there are workarounds and if interested, please contact Eric Mykhalovskiy. o Discussed session idea to promote the book, possibly. Reception event. Or something to celebrate this huge accomplishment. Also, in the IE Workshop. A critical dialogue among various authors to discuss their work (from the Handbook). • Naomi Nichols, “Institutional Ethnography, Personal Crises & Systematic Injustices” talk at Social Sciences Week in Australia on September 9, 2020 • Digital PhD IE Course, December 7-8, 2020 • Nordic IE Network Meeting: January 25-26, 2021 o The next network meeting will be on January 25-26th 2021, and take place atÅlborg University premises in Copenhagen, hosted by Kjeld Høgsbro. o For your information: the meeting does not conflict with the dates of the Norwegian Sociological Winter Seminar, which will be held in February and has another focus than the network meeting o If attending, please let Rebecca Lund (rebecca.lund@stk.uio.no) and Kjeld (kjeldh@socsci.aau.dk) know, and send short abstracts to them • ISA Forum of Sociology: February 23-27, 2021 • European IE Facebook Group (66 members) + Students of IE Facebook Group (321 members) o If you have questions concerning the IE European network, and/or want to be included in the network's email list, please email Morena.Tartari@uantwerpen.be and may-linda.magnussen@uia.no. o Students of IE: Cathy and Nicola are admins ACTION ITEMS: Chair to follow-up with SSSP Business office about how gifting membership works. UPDATE: After the meeting, Chair contacted business office and will need to know the number of gift memberships that will be purchased and by whom. An email announcing the total number available will be sent to lapsed IE members from 2018 and 2019 (from the SSSP Administrative Office. Then Kelsey Whitaker, Assistant to the Administrative Officer, will work with the person(s) purchasing the gift memberships regarding payment and those who respond on a first-come, first-serve basis. Lauren Eastwood can commit up to 3, LaNysha has secured funding for 10 at $33. We currently have 13 ($33) membership gifts in our pool. If you’d like to contribute, please email me with your name and total number of membership gifts. o As a note: This Membership Promo can be emailed to folks outlining benefits of joining SSSP and the $33 membership rate is for grad students, activists and unemployed. Chair to decide dates to hold monthly membership meetings in efforts to connect IEers and to increase membership o Save the date: September 27, October 19, November 18, December 16.