SSSP-Sociology, Social Work & Social Welfare Division Winter Newsletter 2024/2025 SEASON’S GREETINGS! We hope that your semesters have been going well and continue to do so < : There are a few exciting opportunities coming up in the near future that we wanted to remind you of before the holiday break! We have put these time-sensitive items at the top, with accolades and other potential items of interest below. ‘Wishing you all wonderful end of the year celebrations, or just time with family, friends, or on your own to recharge! Thank you all for being a member of our division! There is no us without u!   Erica & Miriam Co-chairs and Newsletter Editors SSWSW TIME-SENSITIVE ITEMS I. Graduate Student Paper Competition & Award * Winner awarded complimentary student membership & conference registration * Paper topics can focus on various aspects of sociological, social welfare or social work research. Quantitative and qualitative analyses, applied research, and theoretical papers are all acceptable. * All materials must be submitted electronically by January 31, 2025, to: (1) the annual meeting Call for Papers on the SSSP 2025 Conference website ( (2) SSWSW Graduate Student Paper Award Committee Chair Dr. William Cabin at * For more information see here: II. 75th SSSP Annual Meeting Abstract Submissions due 1/31/25 @11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) Submit here: Sessions Racial Disparities in CJ/CL System Issues in Caretaking and Carework Insurgent Sociology in Health Care The Impact of Trauma on Mental Health Mental Illness and Disability Sociology, Social Work, and Social Welfare Institution Perspectives in Response to Recent or Current Crises I Sociology, Social Work, and Social Welfare Institution Perspectives in Response to Recent or Current Crises II Renegades, Rebels, and Rogues: Player Resistance and Institutional Responses Member feedback request: SSSP leadership is planning to convene division chairs for a discussion on potential divisional consolidations and overall organizational sustainability toward the end of January. If you have any thoughts that you would like us to share confidentially, please email Miriam ( me ( JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison ( The Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for an Associate Professor (with tenure) position in the field of population research beginning in August, 2025. For full consideration, all materials must be received no later than 11:59pm on January 6, 2025. However, the position will remain open and applications may be considered until the position is filled. Multiple positions, University of South Florida ( * The School Mental Health Collaborative (SMHC) Research, Training, and Technical Assistance Center seeking Senior (Sr.) Social and Behavioral Researcher to join its existing personnel. * SMHC ( is a multi-university consortium that conducts research that informs policy and practice related to the promotion of social-emotional and behavioral success of all youth. * School of Social Work, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences, Faculty, 2 Assistant Professor of Instruction and/or Assistant Instructors (non-tenure track). * The University of South Florida, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences invites applications for the Director of the School of Social Work. Position starts Fall 2025 or is negotiable.  TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES National Institutes of Health, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research 2025 mHealth (mobile health) Training Institute The mHealth Training Institute (mHTI) is now accepting applications for its 2025 program designed to cultivate the next generation of transdisciplinary mHealth researchers. The 2025 mHTI offers a unique hybrid learning experience that combines online webinars with an immersive in-person session (July 20–24, 2025). Application Deadline: 1/2/25 Alzheimer's Association Interdisciplinary Summer Research Institute for Early Career Researchers (see The Alzheimer’s Association® Interdisciplinary Summer Research Institute (AA-ISRI) is an immersive, no-cost opportunity for early career researchers in psychosocial care and public health to further their knowledge of dementia science and accelerate breakthroughs in the field. In Chicago, USA, August 11-15, 2025, experts will offer diverse perspectives on groundbreaking research through group sessions and individual mentoring. Applications due March 9, 2025. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Global Agenda for Social Justice 3 (Extended Deadline: 1/10/25) Please review the Call for Chapter Proposals ( and submit your 1 to 2-page proposal using the Google Form ( SSSP White Anti-racist Sociologists Group Next virtual meeting Thursday 1/16/25 (4pm ET/2pm MT/1pm PT) RSVP: You can read more about the group's commitments and values, as well as a resource list it is developing here:  Google Doc:  PDF:  You can join their listserv here: Special issue of Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and Change (RSMCC) focused on Coalition-Building and Solidarity Across Difference call for papers.  Volume 50 Submission details at: To be considered for inclusion in Volume 50, papers must arrive by May 1st, 2025. Initial decisions are generally made within 10-12 weeks. Manuscripts accepted for this volume will have gone through double-blind peer review. Send submission via email to For initial submissions, any standard social science in-text citation and bibliographic system is acceptable.  DIVISION MEMBER NEWS New Positions: * Caitlin Krenn, Managing Director of Mental Health Services at The Door ( in NYC. * Zachary D. Kline, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology and Statistics, Sociology and Anthropology Department, Mathematics and Statistics Department, The College of New Jersey. Member Publications: Three publications from Linda Lobao: * Linda Lobao and Paige Kelly. 2024. “Urban Austerity Theory, Politicizing Space, and Cutback Policies across Urban and Rural Communities.” City & Community 23 (2):87-109. e-copy at * Lazarus Adua and Linda Lobao. 2024.  “Transforming the Residential Built Environment: Land-Use policies and the Influence of the Growth Machine across the United States.”  Social Science Research 122 (2024). 103039 * Sefania Fiorentino, Amy Glasmeier, Linda Lobao, Ron Martin, and Peter Tyler. 2024 'Left Behind Places': What Are They and Why Do They Matter? Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society  17 (1): 1-16. Two forthcoming publications from Caitlin Krenn: *  Contributing author to the latest edition of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Social Work Speaks book (policy statements; my contribution was the chapter on homelessness); this will be released in January 2025. This is a NASW Press publication.  * NYU doctoral cohort coauthored a book entitled Reframing Social Work with an Anti-Oppressive Lens; this is a Springer publication and is also projected to be released in January 2025. Full-text of author approved manuscript to be available shortly on PubMed shortly from Erica Jablonski: * Jablonski, E. S., Surfus, C. R., & Henly, M. (2023). Full-Time Caregiving During COVID-19 Based on Minority Identifications, Generation, and Vaccination Status. In Social Factors, Health Care Inequities and Vaccination (pp. 43-64). Emerald Publishing Limited. Our division has a new Facebook page. Please go to: for access if you have not already joined < : This will hopefully be a good place for all of us to post job, paper, and conference announcements between newsletters < ; Because we are always interested in spreading the word about our division, here are ways you can help us thrive and grow: * Tell friends and colleagues about us; * Participate in division student paper and conference session submissions; * Invite others to check out our division webpage and/or social media page! * Submit contributions or ideas for newsletters, surveys, and divisional meeting topics (e.g., awards, presentations, grant announcements, calls for study participants). Erica ( and Miriam (