Membership Dues
SSSP memberships are based on a calendar year and run from January 1 to December 31. Gross annual income should be used to determine the proper dues category. Please read all of the categories and select the one closest to your situation. Dues are payable to SSSP in U.S. currency. We accept checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Refund Policy: Membership dues are non-refundable.
- Life Members, Emeriti - Professor Emeriti who have been members for twenty or more consecutive years - $0
- Undergraduate/Graduate/Unemployed - for members who are working on their Bachelors, Masters or Ph.D. in any discipline or are currently unemployed - $46
- Retired Member - for members who are retired - $70
- First Time Professional Member - for professionals who have not previously been members of SSSP, we invite you to take advantage of our 1 - year try us out membership - $70
- Professional Membership Categories based on Gross Annual Income:
$24,999 & under - $108
$25,000 - $34,999 - $139
$35,000 - $44,999 - $154
$45,000 - $54,999 - $185
$55,000 - $64,999 - $231
$65,000 - $74,999 - $262
$75,000 - $84,999 - $293
$85,000 - $99,999 - $323
$100,000 - $149,999 - $385
$150,000 & Up - $425
- Together, we can make a difference. Sustaining members enjoy the many benefits of a SSSP membership without the annual dues – all while helping the Society fulfill its purpose in pursuit of a more just and humane world. The different levels (Gold, Platinum, Diamond) represent the available contribution levels. Sustaining members will be recognized on our website and in the program for the Annual Meeting. Many thanks to our sustaining members.
Sustaining Membership Gold - $2,000
Sustaining Membership Platinum – $2,500
Sustaining Membership Diamond - $3,000
- Departmental Membership is available to social science related departments who are interested in supporting SSSP's purpose. Departmental memberships include three complimentary student memberships - $200