The nomination deadline for the Arlene Kaplan Daniels Paper Award is April 15, 2025.


The Arlene Kaplan Daniels Paper Award for the best paper on Women and Social Justice was established in 2015 and is awarded annually. The award winner will receive a plaque of recognition. Arlene Kaplan Daniels was the first female editor of Social Problems (1975-1978) and became the Society’s President in 1986. Her scholarship addressed women’s exclusion in the labor market and examined women’s career contingencies, union involvement, feminist networking, and the salience of women’s voluntary work. Her scholarship has made an important contribution to the discipline through its unparalleled awareness of women’s contribution to society. This scholarship found its way into her 1987 SSSP Presidential Address “Invisible Work” and her 1988 book, Invisible Careers. She supported other women sociologists across the discipline and professional associations through mentoring, preparing references, and editing papers. SSSP honors Dr. Daniels for her service with this award. Past winners of this award can be found here.


The award will be given for a paper published in calendar years 2023 or 2024 that:

  1. Addresses contemporary issues of women’s justice locally, nationally, and globally;

  2. Brings a fresh perspective to women’s inclusion in global society and advances new theoretical directions discussing women and social justice;

  3. Is theoretically informed and possesses an empirical orientation.

Self-nominations are welcome.


All online nominations must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on April 15, 2025. The 2025 award will be presented at the 75th Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, August 8-10, 2025.

Please address all questions to:

Dr. Aida Villanueva, Chair
Arlene Kaplan Daniels Paper Award Committee