Job Description & General Terms: Executive Officer

Job Description: Administrative Officer

Job Description: Assistant to the Administrative Officer

Job Description: Information Technology Specialist

Job Description: Graduate Research Associate

Job Description: Communications Coordinator

Job Description: Mobile App Specialist

Job Description & General Terms: Executive Officer

I. Executive Officer Duties:

A. General Duties: The Executive Officer works closely with the Board of Directors to establish strategic direction and implement goals and actions in alignment with the SSSP’s vision, mission, and values, oversees the SSSP’s day-to-day operations, and serves as the SSSP’s chief ambassador and organizational leader. The Executive Officer may enter into contracts binding upon SSSP as specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.

B. Specific Duties: The Executive Officer’s specific duties include the following and any other duties as determined by the Board of Directors:

1. Direct Service to Volunteers and Social Problems:

a. Assists and advises the President, Board of Directors, Committee Members, and the SSSP Membership.

b. Reports current developments affecting the Society, and monitors budget and SSSP assets on a quarterly basis.

c. Reviews instructions and renewal form for annual membership renewal campaign and general election ballot.

d. Serves Program Committee and problem-solves; works closely with the Meeting Manager before and at the annual meeting.

e. Staffs Board of Directors; Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee; Membership and Outreach Committee; and Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning Committee Meetings.

f. Serves as an ex-officio member on the Anti-Harassment Committee and the Transnational Initiatives Committee.

g. Serves Social Problems: monitors publication including finances, circulation, advertising, and promotion, and works closely with the publisher. Works with the Chair of the Editorial and Publications Committee, the Chair of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, the Treasurer, and one at-large member of the Editorial and Publications Committee in negotiating a contract for publishing Social Problems.

h. Works with the Administrative Officer and the Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning Committee on updating the Operations Manual.

i. Annually acknowledges volunteer work of all SSSP officers and committee members through thank you letters.

j. Writes letters of appreciation when requested and/or warranted.

k. Attends the first Council of Division Chairs meeting at each annual conference and provides a brief orientation (e.g., 10 minutes) to all Chairs including: a substantive overview of how SSSP operates; orienting Chairs to their role in the larger SSSP structure and functioning; an update of what is happening at the executive level so the Chairs are informed and can also inform their members (e.g., any pressing issues facing the Society).

2. Organizational Work:

a. Ensures that all appropriate SSSP Administrative Office personnel reviews are conducted by the University of Tennessee and the Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning Committee.

b. Reviews membership brochures, annual meeting registration forms, and contracts with the journal publisher, vendors, suppliers, and host institutions. This responsibility entails regular consultation with the Administrative Officer.

c. Proposes revisions of By-laws to the By-laws Committee.

d. Develops ideas for promotional campaigns to increase membership of the Society, nationally and internationally, and work with appropriate partners and vendors to execute them.

e. Works with the University of Tennessee’s Office of Research and other appropriate partners to secure external funding for Society programs, projects, and activities.

3. Work with Outside Organizational Environment:

a. Oversees and consults with the Administrative Officer when selecting business partners and vendors on the basis of competitive bids and monitoring their work.

b. Oversees and consults with Administrative Officer when selecting a hotel for future Annual Meetings according to the site selection criteria established by the Board of Directors. Enters into agreements with hotels on behalf of the Society.

c. Oversees and consults with Meeting Manager while negotiating and working with hotels, and registration staff at the annual meeting.

d. Writes public relations material for the Society and annual meeting; represents Society to the department and university hosting the Executive Officer and other external parties.

e. Seeks information about developments in the external environment which affect SSSP. Oversees the Administrative Officer’s work with lawyers, auditors, and other professionals who serve the Society.

f. Maintains and strengthens networks with other association executives and vendors such as in the American Sociological Association (ASA); Association of Black Sociologists (ABS); International Sociological Association (ISA); Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA); National Association of Social Workers (NASW); Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS); regional societies and other related societies.rites letters, statements, etc. to Congress and other entities on important social justice issues, and in general provides leadership on activism.

g. Works to increase the general public profile of the Society through publications, online outlets, and other venues, and to expand the Society’s national and international linkages with other academic, social policy, and social justice organizations.

h. Writes letters, statements, etc. to Congress and other entities on important social justice issues, and in general provides leadership on activism.

i. Represents the Society with one other member and serves on the AAAS Science & Human Rights Coalition.

II. Expenses: The SSSP will reimburse the Executive Officer for expenses approved by the Board of Directors relating to their work on behalf of the SSSP including travel expenses; annual bonding coverage; training course(s) expenses; and miscellaneous annual operating expenses in an amount expressly authorized by the Board of Directors. The Executive Officer is responsible for retaining and promptly submitting receipts for such expenses to the Administrative Officer. Expenditures by the Executive Officer not pre-approved by the Board of Directors or beyond specific amounts authorized by the Board of Directors may not be reimbursed.

III. Time Off: The Executive Officer may take time off as needed so long as they are fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the position. If an urgent, time-sensitive matter arises while taking time off, at the request of the Board of Directors and at their earliest opportunity, the Executive Officer will arrange to consult with the Board or the Administrative Officer. The Executive Officer shall make every reasonable effort to avoid taking time off immediately before and during the SSSP Annual Meeting where their attendance is required.

IV. Annual Performance Review: The SSSP’s Annual Review Committee of the Executive Officer comprised of SSSP’s Vice-President (Chair), Secretary, Chairperson of the Council of the Divisions, and the Chairperson-elect of the Council of the Divisions, will conduct an annual review of the Executive Officer between June 1-July 15 and share their report with the Executive Officer and the Board of Directors.

V. Termination of Services: An Executive Officer may resign at any time by giving at least ninety (90) days’ notice in writing to the Board of Directors. SSSP may remove an Executive Officer for cause at any time for any of the following reasons: the Executive Officer (a) fails to perform their duties satisfactorily; (b) engages in fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, or acts of similar dishonesty; (c) is convicted of a felony; (e) engages in intentional and willful misconduct that may subject SSSP to criminal or civil liability; (f) breaches their duty of loyalty, including, without limitation, the diversion or usurpation of SSSP assets; (g) willfully disregards SSSP’s policies and procedures; or (h) is insubordinate or deliberately refuses to follow the instructions of the Board of Directors.

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Job Description: Administrative Officer

A. Reconciles University of Tennessee system ledgers and converts information to functional accrual accounting system of SSSP. Prepares monthly balance sheet and income statement and sends quarterly statements to the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee and the Board of Directors using Open Systems accounting software.

B. Maintains ledgers, journals, prepares checks, and performs accounts receivable and accounts payable record keeping.

C. Prepares a detailed spreadsheet for all checks received by SSSP. In conjunction with the Treasurer and Executive Officer, manages and monitors the Society’s reserve monies and operating accounts in checking, savings, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, mutual funds, and other accounts. Deals with counterparts in financial institutions of deposit. Deposits funds in various accounts of the Society.

D. Consults regularly with the Executive Officer and meets with the Administrative Office staff on a monthly basis.

E. Works with the Editor(s) of Social Problems and the publisher of the journal in promotion, maintenance, and financial matters.

F. Consults with the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee and the Board of Directors and relates to Division and Committee Chairs in financial matters relating to SSSP. Suggests budgeting strategies.

G. Organizes and maintains files and documentation pertaining to the Society’s business and obtains appropriate insurance and bonding.

H. Interviews and hires the Assistant to the Administrative Officer, the Information Technology Specialist, and the Graduate Research Associate. Organizes, delegates, supervises, and manages the Administrative Office’s workflow.

I. Oversees the site selection process of the annual meeting. Conducts site visits of potential hotels. Requests contracts from the top three hotels or conference centers where such are combined. Reviews contracts and negotiates the best contract possible with each Sales Manager. Works with HelmsBriscoe, a meeting site selection company, and consults with the Executive Officer throughout this process.

J. Prepares the contractual agreement between the Society and the host institutions of the Administrative Office and Executive Officer for each contract renewal. Works with the host departments and related contract and payroll administration departments on a regular basis regarding host institution policies and procedures.

K. Provides the Council of the Divisions Chairperson with information needed to identify candidates for each elected position. Oversees the Graduate Research Associate during the election process for all Divisions via the Society’s web site. Ensures that procedures are in place to allow all division members an opportunity to vote. Monitors the computer tabulation of votes and reports any irregularities to Division Officers and to the Board of Directors. Maintains voting lists for all division elections. Advises the Division Chair in writing who the winner is and the ballot count.

L. Prepares a detailed annual report of Divisions activities for the Board of Directors.

M. Works with the Nominations Committee and the Elections Committee in conducting the General Election.  Provides the Nominations Committee Chair and the Elections Committee Chair with information needed to generate the slate of candidates.  Prepares the general election ballot in consultation with the Executive Officer.  Oversees the Graduate Research Associate during the election process via the Society’s website.  Ensures that procedures are in place to allow all members an opportunity to vote.  Monitors the computer tabulation of votes and reports any irregularities to the Nominations Committee and the Elections Committee and to the Board of Directors.  Informs the President, Executive Officer and the Elections Committee Chair of the results.  Notifies the candidates regarding the election results.  Informs the Board of Directors of the election results.  Works with the Graduate Research Associate to ensure that the election results are posted on the Society’s website.

N. Organizes and executes the annual membership renewal campaign that entails requesting a letter from the President, revising instructions and the renewal form, distributing e-mail renewal information to lapsed members, and mailing renewal information to those who do not respond to the e-mail invitations.

O. Oversees the Assistant to the Administrative Officer when processing credit card payments for membership and annual meeting registration.  Reviews the spreadsheet for each credit card batch that the Assistant to the Administrative Officer generates.

P. Oversees the Graduate Research Associate with communication between Division Chairs and/or Newsletter Editors regarding their newsletter. Ensures that a plain text file and a pdf file containing graphics and formatting are distributed to division members electronically and is posted on the Society’s web site.

Q. Compiles various notices, announcements, and reports for the Society’s web site and Social Problems. Works closely with the Social Problems Editor(s) and various people from the publisher of the journal.

R. Works closely with the Board of Directors and the chairs of all elected, appointed, and ad hoc committees to ensure the smoothness of the operation of these committees.

S. Provides office duties as necessary to the efficient performance of the Society’s business. Strives to manage the Administrative Office in a professional manner.

T. Handles hotel and menu arrangements for the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee’s mid-year meeting, Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning Committee’s site visit to the Administrative Office, and other meetings when necessary.

U. Works closely with the regional associations when promoting activities of the SSSP. 

V. Works closely with an independent accounting firm during the annual audit.

W. Supervises the Assistant to the Administrative Officer, the Information Technology Specialist, and the Graduate Research Associate at the annual meeting.

X. Maintains and updates the operations manual in consultation with the Executive Officer and the Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning Committee.

Y. Works closely with the Program Committee, Session Organizers, and Division Chairs when laying out the annual meeting program. Communicates with each program participant regarding their listing(s).

Z. Orders supplies and oversees the maintenance of the office equipment used by the Administrative Office staff.

AA. Works closely with the Vice-President throughout the resolutions process.  Distributes announcements to the membership and Division Chairs regarding how to submit a resolution by April 30.  The Vice-President will distribute the resolutions to the Committee on Social Action and the Executive Officer who are requested to comment between May 1 and May 31.  By June 1, the Vice-President will then forward the proposed resolutions to the Board of Directors with recommendations to advance or table each resolution and then the Vice-President and Executive Officer will distribute the resolutions to the membership no later than July 1 in order to give members ample time to read and give serious consideration to all resolutions.  The only exception to the deadline is if the issue in question occurs after June 1st.  Proposed resolutions will be available for review prior to the annual meeting on the SSSP website in the “members-only” area and under “annual meeting,” and as an e-mail blast sent to members who want to receive announcements from the Administrative Office.

AB. Between May 1-July 31 when the Graduate Research Associate is not working, the Administrative Officer and/or the Assistant to the Administrative Officer:

Manages and maintains the design and content of the Society’s website.  Oversees and drives day-to-day website operation.  Ensures website quality, performance, and reliability.

Serves as main contact for communication with Division Chairs and/or Newsletter Editors regarding the distribution of newsletters.  Ensures that a plain text file and a .pdf file containing graphics and formatting are distributed to division members electronically and posted on the Society’s website.

Handles the election process for all Divisions and the General Election via the Society’s website.  Ensures that procedures are in place to allow members an opportunity to vote.

Manages the Society’s social media presence by posting weekly updates from the Administrative Officer on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter/X; assures that the RSS feed is operational and linked to the Twitter/X account; updates Latest SSSP News on the Society’s webpage; and maintains contact with Division Chairs regarding their social media activity.

Handles the election process for all proposed resolutions immediately after the Society’s Annual Business Meeting via the Society’s website.  Current members will vote online for or against each resolution, or abstain.  The voting period will be two weeks.  Ensures that procedures are in place to allow all members an opportunity to vote.

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Job Description: Assistant to the Administrative Officer

A. Provides administrative support including generation of e-mail blasts to the membership; retrieves and updates membership and annual meeting inquiries in the database; preparation of letters, including but not limited to promotional and contribution requests; updates social media blasts on a monthly basis; opens, responds, and forwards mail when necessary to the Administrative Officer; preparation of deposit slips, and other related tasks.

B. Provides support functions with staff, members, committees, division chairs, and elected officers requiring extensive knowledge of SSSP operations manual procedures and By-laws and has the ability to discuss these policies.

C. Assists the Administrative Officer with maintaining ledgers, journals, preparation of checks and accounts receivable and accounts payable record keeping using Open Systems accounting software when needed. Prepares a spreadsheet for each credit card batch that contains the name, credit card type, amount of total transaction and breakdown of each item. Processes refund requests in as needed.

D. Performs duties as assigned by the Executive Officer and the Administrative Officer. This responsibility entails regular, uninterrupted monthly meetings with the Administrative Office staff.

E. Serves as liaison between the membership, the Executive Officer, and the Administrative Officer.

F. Works closely with companies that rent the Society’s mailing list. Responds to requests by obtaining a sample mailing piece (needs to be approved by the Administrative Officer) and confirming the price, count, and division(s) requested for the list rental before fulfilling the order. Exports data from the membership database and generates an invoice.

G. Processes membership and annual meeting registrations.

H. Tracks gift memberships and sends monthly updates to the IT Specialist and Administrative Officer.

I. Prepares Letters of Invitation as requested by annual meeting attendees. Verifies individuals are current SSSP members prior to preparing the letters.

J. Assists the Administrative Officer with ad-hoc weekly duties and other duties as assigned.

K. Takes a full inventory of office and annual meeting supplies prior to the annual meeting; including pens, staplers, recorders, ribbons, signs, etc. The Administrative Officer provides a list of supplies needed and the Assistant to the Administrative Officer creates a shopping list of supplies that need to be obtained and packs the supplies.

L. Assists the Administrative Officer and the Information Technology Specialist at the annual meeting and works registration.

M. Supervises the registration staff at the annual meeting when the Administrative Officer is in meetings.

N. Inputs attendance figures into the online session management system at the conclusion of each meeting day.  Creates the Cumulative Attendance Report and the Attendance Report by Divisions and Program Committee.

OResponsible for the tabulation of the master lists at the Annual Meeting registration desk: summarize how many registrants pick up their packets and do not each day by color coordinating respectively.

P. Assists the Meeting Manager with oversight duties including membership issues, registration matters, late audio-visual requests, etc. at the annual meeting when the Administrative Officer is in meetings.

Q.  Serves as the Society's Listserv Moderator (add individuals who submit a secure online form to the SSSP Listserv Distribution list; remove individuals who request to be removed from the listserv; and provide assistance disseminating information via the listserv, if needed).

R.  Tracks memberships during the BOGO Free Divisional Membership Promotion (October 1-December 31) and creates a spreadsheet of those who take advantage of the promotion and a separate tab of those who do not. Sends monthly updates to the Administrative Officer and IT Specialist.

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Job Description: Information Technology Specialist

A. Provides IT technology support to the Society.

B. Analyzes, designs, updates, and trouble-shoots database queries and database reports for the membership database and the annual meeting database. Maintains integrity of the membership database including updating/adding/merging/removing user accounts.

C. Generates membership and annual meeting database reports and membership lists on a weekly and monthly basis.

D. Creates new database reports as needed by the Administrative Officer or work with a software vendor if required to accommodate additional reports.

E. Gathers and interprets membership and annual meeting data to compile special reports.

F. Performs analysis of database and other software tools and provides recommendations for improvements.

G. Investigates technological procedures in database growth and advises Administrative Officer on long term capacity plans including database migration; perform analysis of database and software initiative projects. Leads database and software initiative projects.

H. Provides support to members for accessing online registrations, publications, or annual meeting registration or processes.

I. Processes membership and annual meeting registrations.

J. Compiles software design requests/enhancements and communicates requests/enhancements/issues with software vendor; test all software changes. Provides training to Administrative Office staff on new software technologies/processes.

K. Monitors database and software environment for degrading performance or outages.

L. Updates documentation for recording major responsibilities.

M. Communicates with each person listed in the Roster of Officers and Committee Members regarding their willingness to serve and accuracy of their database information. Prepares and distributes the roster annually.

N. Assists the Administrative Officer with periodic services provided to the Society’s members, committees, and Divisions.

O. Performs duties as assigned by the Executive Officer and the Administrative Officer. This responsibility entails regular, uninterrupted monthly meetings with the Administrative Office staff.

P. Assists the Administrative Officer and the Assistant to the Administrative Officer at the annual meeting and works registration.

Q. Consults with the Executive Officer and Administrative Officer when creating the annual meeting survey.  Creates the annual meeting survey results report for the Administrative Officer to review and distribute.

R. Works with SlideRoom (online applicant system) to accept and evaluate applications.  Notifies applicants that applications are complete (accepted) or incomplete (rejected).  Works closely with the Committee Chair throughout the application and selection process.

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Job Description: Graduate Research Associate

A. Manages and maintains the design and content of the Society’s web site. Ensures web site quality, performance, and reliability.

B. Serves as liaison between the membership, the Executive Officer, and the Administrative Officer.

C. Serves as main contact for communication with Division Chairs and/or Newsletter Editors regarding the distribution of newsletters. Ensures that a plain text file and a pdf file containing graphics and formatting are distributed to division members electronically and is posted on the Society’s web site.

D. Handles the election process for all Divisions and the General Election via the Society’s website.  Ensures that procedures are in place to allow members an opportunity to vote.  

E. Assists the Administrative Officer and the Assistant to the Administrative Officer with periodic services provided to the Society’s members, committees, and Divisions.

F. Performs duties as assigned by the Executive Officer and the Administrative Officer. This responsibility entails regular, uninterrupted monthly meetings with the Administrative Office staff.

G. Manages the Society’s social media presence by posting weekly updates from the Administrative Officer on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter/X; assures that the RSS feed is operational and linked to the Twitter/X account; updates Latest SSSP News on the Society’s webpage; and maintains contact with Division Chairs regarding their social media activity.

H.  Keeps track of how many hours are spent on each project/task to provide the Society with feedback regarding the time required by each project.

I. Keeps the best practices documented and up to date in the GRA Handbook.

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Job Description: Communications Coordinator

A. On or about May 1-July 31 when the Graduate Research Associate is not working, the Communications Coordinator:

Manages and maintains the design and content of the Society’s website. Oversees and drives day-to-day website operation. Ensures website quality, performance, and reliability.

Serves as main contact for communication with Division Chairs and/or Newsletter Editors regarding the distribution of newsletters. Ensures that a plain text file and a .pdf file containing graphics and formatting are distributed to division members electronically and posted on the Society’s website.

Handles the election process for all Divisions and the General Election via the Society’s website. Ensures that procedures are in place to allow members an opportunity to vote.

Manages the Society’s social media presence by posting weekly updates from the Administrative Officer on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter/X; assures that the RSS feed is operational and linked to the Twitter/X account; updates Latest SSSP News on the Society’s webpage; and maintains contact with Division Chairs regarding their social media activity.

Handles the election process for all proposed resolutions immediately after the Society’s Annual Business Meeting via the Society’s website. Current members will vote online for or against each resolution, or abstain. The voting period will be two weeks. Ensures that procedures are in place to allow all members an opportunity to vote.

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Job Description: Mobile App Specialist

A. On or about April 1-August 30, the Mobile App Specialist is responsible for working with the Society and the mobile app contract company to maintain the Apple Developer account, supply the graphics, data feed, and other needed information to create and launch the annual meeting mobile app. Once the mobile app is launched, the Mobile App Specialist is responsible for any manual updates and alerts/messages to mobile app users as needed.

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