Congratulations to our members who have chosen to share their recent accomplishments! This page provides space for SSSP members to share news of recent publications, interviews, awards and fellowships, nominations and grants, promotions/tenure/new jobs/retirement, social activist work, and other personal accomplishments. If you wish to post your recent accomplishments, please email News and Announcements will remain posted for 6 months.


Eliassen, A. Henry. 2024. “Stigma, Stereotypes, and Self-Disclosure: Disability and Empowerment in Older Adults on the Autism Spectrum.” The Gerontologist. Advance online publication December 17, 2024. 

Brooklyn College CUNY Emeritus Professor Jerome Krase received the 2025 Polish American Historical Associations’ Amicus Poloniae Award which “recognizes significant contributions enhancing the knowledge of Polish and/or Polish American heritage by an individual not belonging to the Polish American Community.” The Committee stated: “ Krase has been a pioneer in visual sociology and in the study of ethnic-placemaking and vernacular landscapes.”

Martine Herzog-Evans (Editor) and Stephen J. Morewitz (Editor). 2024. Handbook of Understanding Terrorism. Forensic Social Sciences Case Studies. Springer.

Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott. 2024. Walled-In: Arctic Housing and a Sociology of Walls. Rowman & Littlefield.

Nora Gross. 2024. Brothers in Grief: The Hidden Toll of Gun Violence on Black Boys and Their Schools. University of Chicago Press.

Linda Lobao and Paige Kelly.  2024. “Urban Austerity Theory, Politicizing Space, and Cutback Policies across Urban and Rural Communities.”  City & Community 23 (2):87-109. e-copy.

Lazarus Adua and Linda Lobao. 2024.  “Transforming the Residential Built Environment: Land-Use policies and the Influence of the Growth Machine across the United States.” Social Science Research 122 (2024).

Sefania Fiorentino, Amy Glasmeier, Linda Lobao, Ron Martin, and Peter Tyler. “’Left Behind Places': What Can Be Done about Them?” 2024. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society 17(2): 1-15. 

Christine M. Capili. 2024. “Multiraciality & Racialized Politics in the United States.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 31(4):1-23.

Natasha Kabir was recently awarded a 2024 Research Grant for Graduate Students (RGGS) from The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Graduate School for "Survivors of Commercial Sex Trafficking: A Case Study of Bangladesh Intertwined with an Ethnographical and Netnographic Portrayal of Poverty."

Muhammed Faisol Olaitan was named a Fellow in the Summer Program in Social Science (SPSS) at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Monnica Gavin was promoted to Full Professor of Sociology at Clark State College.

Christopher T. Connor. 2024. “The Gonzo Character of Contemporary American Politics: Media Logics from Donald Trump to Kyrsten Sinema.” Symbolic Interaction.

Christopher T. Connor. 2024. “Review Essay: Where have all the gay bars gone?” Social Forces.

Christopher T. Connor; Matthew Hannah; Nicholas MacMurray (Eds.). 2024. Conspiracy Theories and Extremism In New Times. Lanham MD: Bloomsbury Press.

Matthew N. Hannah and Christohper T. Conner. 2024. “Paranoid Publics: Conspiracy theories and the Public Sphere” Frontiers in Sociology. Volume 9 (intro to special issue title Paranoid Publics).

Natasha Kabir was recently named a Wedu Purposeful Action Agent.

Rodney D. Coates. 2024. Critical Race Theory and the Search for Truth. Bristol University Press.

Amin Ghaziani and Seth Abrutyn. 2024. “Renewal Without Replication: Expanding Durkheim’s Theory of Disruptions via Queer Nightlife.” British Journal of Sociology. Open Access.

Tori Shucheng Yang and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “Retheorizing Intersectional Identities with the Study of Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants.” Social Problems.

Amy Spring and Amin Ghaziani. 2024. “New Evidence from Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note.” Demography 61(4): 995-1009.

Kathleen J. Fitzgerald and Kandice L. Grossman. 2024. Sociology of Sexualities3rd Edition. Sage Publications

David G. Embrick was promoted to Full Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies at the University of Connecticut.

Treviño. A. Javier. Investigating Social Problems, 4th edition. Sage, 2024. ISBN: 978-1071917817. The following SSSP members contributed chapters to the textbook: William Hoynes and Nick Hoynes (Media) E. Brooke Kelly (Poverty and Class Inequality), Janelle Pham (Sexualities), Jackie Zalewski (Work and the Economy), Lisa-Jo van den Scott (Science and Technology), Heather DillawayAllison Jendry James, and Nancy Mazey (Families), Matt DelSesto (Crime), and Val Leiter (Health). 