In Pursuit of Social Justice

As an interdisciplinary community of scholars, practitioners, advocates, and students interested in the application of critical, scientific, and humanistic perspectives to the study of vital social problems, the SSSP is engaged in multiple avenues of social justice research and action. In addition to SSSP publications, the Society regularly participates in calls to action on various social justice issues. 

SSSP Resolutions

2024 Approved Resolutions

Resolutions were solicited via several calls sent out to the membership by the SSSP Administrative Office as well as by emails sent to the Chairs of the 23 Divisions. This year, two proposed resolutions were submitted.

The resolutions were provided online for the membership to review and comment on prior to the Society’s Annual Business Meeting on Friday, August 9, 2024. Immediately following the meeting, current members were able to vote online for or against each resolution or abstain. The voting period lasted two weeks. 

Thank you for voting on the 2024 Proposed Resolutions. 207 votes were cast by 2024 SSSP members. Both resolutions passed. Per the Society’s By-Laws, a resolution passes if two-thirds of the members voting online by the deadline vote in favor of the resolution.

Click here to view the 2024 Approved Resolutions.

Click here for past years Approved Resolutions.

SSSP Take Action!

SSSP Statement on Campus Protests

The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) condemns the actions taken by police agents and university leaders in response to pro-Palestinian campus protests around the country. We unequivocally support academic freedom, free speech, and the right to peaceful protest. 

Click here to view the full approved statement. 

Click here for more Action items...

SSSP Letters

If a passed resolution requires letters or e-mails to be sent, the Administrative Office distributes these to appropriate individuals or agencies.

Click here to read the letters.

Scholars at Risk

SSSP is proud to be part of the Scholars at Risk (SAR) Network. SAR is an international network of institutions and individuals whose mission it is to protect scholars and promote academic freedom.

They are currently working with over 70 scholars seeking placements within the network, including many scholars of sociology. If you believe your institution or research center may be in a position to host a scholar, please reach out and ask them to consider joining SAR and thereby help protect academic freedom. You can learn more about information for scholars currently at risk here or fill out this Google form to explore hosting opportunities.

Free to Think is an annual report by Scholars at Risk’s Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. The report explores concerning trends in attacks on higher education communities around the world with the aims of raising awareness and urging diverse state and non-state stakeholders to join us in protecting and promoting academic freedom.

This year’s report documents 391 attacks on higher education communities in 51 countries and territories.