The Divisions provide an excellent opportunity to get involved in your particular area of interest. Individual divisions may have additional resources and information published on their division website.

SSSP’s mission includes advancing sociological research while also promoting the contributions and uses of sociology in society. This site will showcase members' non-peer reviewed writings, legislative testimony, media appearances, podcasts, op-eds, letters to the editor, and blog posts in local, state, national, and international arenas.

Allow us to highlight and celebrate your recent achievements in the public square. Please email the relevant information, including links, to the GRA & Webmaster at

*Works will remain posted for 3 months.

Amin Ghaziani published an opinion-editorial essay, “Gay Bars Are Closing, But Queer Nightlife Is Still Thriving,” in The Globe & Mail.

Amin Ghaziani was an invited guest on the Getting Curious podcast with Jonathan Van Ness, “Where Have All The Gay Bars Gone?”.

Amin Ghaziani was an invited guest on NPR’s Marketplace Morning Report, “Why Gay Bars Are Closing—And What’s Taking Their Place.”

Christopher T. Connor recently published "What QAnon supporters, butthole sunners and New Age spiritualists have in common" on The Conversation.

Noreen Sugrue recently published "The Latino voting bloc: Young, growing and complex" on Fulcrum.