2023 Annual Meeting Main Page

Meeting Highlights

  • program themeView the 2023 Annual Meeting Final Program (last updated 8/17/23) and Program Theme: Same Problem, Different Day: Recognizing and Responding to Recurring Social Problems.

  • SSSP contributed $500 to the Native American House Alliance, Inc., winner of the Indigenous Peoples’ Social Justice Award. 

    In advance of the Native American House Alliance, Inc.'s documentary about the treaty of Shackamaxon, please help them promote these videos to provide a framework for teachers and groups to discuss Native American history. 

    The Original People and Great Women in Native American History

  • SSSP contributed $5,000 to the Coalition for Restaurant Safety & Health, winner of the Thomas C. Hood Social Action Award.

  • View the 2023 Award, Fellowship, and Scholarship Winners. View the Student Paper Competition Winning abstracts. View the Awards Ceremony Presentation.
  • View the 2023 Featured Abstracts.
  • Congratulations to the 2022 C. Wright Mills Award Winner: Dr. Michael L. Walker for his book, Indefinite: Doing Time in Jail, Oxford University Press. View a list of the 2022 C. Wright Mills Finalists.
  • View the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes, Survey Results, and Attendance Reports.
  • Four proposed resolutions were submitted. The resolutions were posted online for the membership to review and comment on prior to the Society’s Annual Business Meeting. Immediately following the meeting, current members were able to vote online for or against the resolution or abstain. The voting period lasted two weeks.

    Thank you to those who voted. 224 votes were cast. Per the Society's by-laws, a resolution passes if two-thirds of the members voting online by the deadline, vote in favor of the resolution. Abstentions count as no votes. View the 2023 Approved Resolution.

Presidential Address

SSSP President Shirley A. Jackson delivered her Presidential Address on the program theme, Same Problem, Different Day: Recognizing and Responding to Recurring Social ProblemsClick below to access the audio recording.

Meeting Slideshow

Thanks for making the 2023 Annual Meeting a success!

We look forward to seeing you in Montréal next year.