SSSP 2024 Annual Meeting
Date: Sunday, August 11
Time: 12:30 PM - 2:10 PM
Session 104: The Costs of Higher Ed
Room: Kafka
Sponsor: Educational Problems
Organizer: Myron T. Strong, Community College of Baltimore County
Presider &
Discussant: Assata Zerai, The University of New Mexico
Description: The papers in this section focus on the emotional, physical, academic and other labor individuals experience caused by the higher education and grant funding institutions. While there is a sort of freedom that comes with education, there is a cost navigating the structure.
“A Moral Dilemma of ‘Selling Out’: Race, Class, and Career Considerations among Elite College Students,” Joyce Kim, University of Pennsylvania, Winner of the Educational Problems Division’s Student Paper Competition
“Intersectional Microaggressions in Transnational Contexts: Black Students Experiencing Gendered, Ableist, and Queer-phobic Anti-blackness in the U.S. and South Africa,” Assata Zerai, The University of New Mexico
“The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on International Students’ Future Career and Migration Plans,” Eugena Kwon, Trent University