SSSP 2024 Annual Meeting

Date: Sunday, August 11

Time: 12:30 PM - 2:10 PM

Session 104: The Costs of Higher Ed
Room: Kafka

Sponsor: Educational Problems

Organizer: Myron T. Strong, Community College of Baltimore County

Presider &

Discussant: Assata Zerai, The University of New Mexico


The papers in this section focus on the emotional, physical, academic and other labor individuals experience caused by the higher education and grant funding institutions. While there is a sort of freedom that comes with education, there is a cost navigating the structure. 


“A Moral Dilemma of ‘Selling Out’: Race, Class, and Career Considerations among Elite College Students,” Joyce Kim, University of Pennsylvania, Winner of the Educational Problems Division’s Student Paper Competition

“Intersectional Microaggressions in Transnational Contexts: Black Students Experiencing Gendered, Ableist, and Queer-phobic Anti-blackness in the U.S. and South Africa,” Assata Zerai, The University of New Mexico

“The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on International Students’ Future Career and Migration Plans,” Eugena Kwon, Trent University