SSSP 2024 Annual Meeting

Date: Friday, August 9

Time: 2:30 PM - 4:10 PM

Session 027: The Neoliberal Nonprofit-Trapped in a Conundrum of Care
Room: Musset

Sponsor: Sociology and Social Welfare

Organizer, Presider &

Discussant: Bob Spires, University of Richmond


This session offers scholars and practitioners to engage in dialogue and present work on neoliberalism and its impact on today's nonprofit. From New Public Management, to managerialism and marketing, we intend to explore why neoliberal pressures on nonprofits have not faded despite continuous failure of late-stage capitalism. 


“How Much Do We Help? The Colonial Legacies of Anti-rape Victim Advocacy,” Melinda Chen, The University of Oklahoma

“The Industrialization of Nonprofit Labor,” Andrew Schoeneman and Bob Spires, University of Richmond

“Integrative Interactions as Market Contestations: A Microfoundational Perspective on Transformative Hybrid Organizing,” Yi Ming Ng, Northwestern University and Alwyn Lim, Singapore Management University