The SSSP elected positions are listed below. Click on the position to jump to the relevant description. A detailed description for each elected position can be found in the Operations Manual.

President-Elect and the President

Vice-President-Elect and the Vice-President



Board of Directors/Student Board Members

Anti-Harassment Committee

Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee

Committee on Committees

Editorial and Publications Committee

Membership and Outreach Committee

President-Elect and the President

The President-Elect and the President are nominated by the Nominations Committee. The membership elects the President-Elect and President in the General Election. The President has many responsibilities and opportunities to advance the organization. The person elected serves on the Board of Directors for three one-year terms as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. Each year, the President has a different role within the Board of Directors. The first year is one of observing, planning, and recruiting persons to serve on various committees. These duties are described in Section II. A. and Section II. B. of the Operations Manual. The second year begins with the announcement of the program theme in the final program for the year preceding the meeting over which they will preside. In the third year, the past-president serves in an advisory capacity.

As compensation for the President-Elect duties, the Society provides a complimentary hotel room during the annual meeting for three nights. The Board approved that SSSP officers may receive subsidized hotel rooms, contingent upon financial circumstances.

As compensation for these duties, the President receives a complimentary hotel room at the SSSP conference hotel during the annual meeting for the number of nights designated in the hotel contract. If no complimentary nights are stipulated in the hotel contract, the President is entitled to a complimentary hotel room at the SSSP conference hotel during the annual meeting for up to four nights.

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Vice-President-Elect and the Vice-President

The Vice-President-Elect and the Vice-President serve a one-year term and are nominated by the Nominations Committee. The membership elects the Vice-President-Elect and the Vice-President in the General Election. Both serve as voting members of the Board of Directors.

The Vice-President will present all resolutions that the Board of Directors posts to the Society's website at the Annual Business Meeting.  The resolution process is detailed in the next section entitled Call for Resolutions from the Membership. The Vice-President may be asked to introduce the President at the Presidential Address. They become the Vice-President at the end of the Annual Business Meeting. The Vice-President is responsible for selecting the Chair and members of the Joseph B. Gittler Award Committee. The Vice-President serves as Chair of the Committee on Social Action. The Committee on Social Action meets at the annual meeting. The Vice-President is responsible for assisting the President in counting votes, which the Secretary records in the meeting minutes. Votes shall be recorded in the following format: Vote reporting format: (Vote: XX-YY-ZZ) NN, where XX = Yes, YY = No, ZZ = abstain, and NN = no vote. The Vice-President chairs and the Vice-President-Elect serves on the Annual Review Committee of the Executive Officer.

As compensation for these duties, the Society provides a complimentary hotel room at the SSSP conference hotel for the Vice-President-Elect and Vice-President during the annual meeting for three nights. The Board approved that SSSP officers may receive subsidized hotel rooms, contingent upon financial circumstances.

The Annual Review Committee of the Executive Officer is comprised of the Vice-President (Chair), Vice-President-Elect, Secretary, Chairperson of the Council of the Divisions, and the Chairperson-Elect of the Council of the Divisions. The committee conducts an annual review of the Executive Officer between June 1-July 15 and shares their report with the Executive Officer and the Board of Directors. It is recommended that the committee first consult with the Administrative Officer and the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee Chair or Treasurer for feedback regarding ongoing working relationships and financial stewardship work in preparation for the review.

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The Secretary serves a one-year term and is nominated by the Board of Directors. The Board nominates one or more candidates for the office. The membership elects the Secretary in the General Election. Traditionally, the Secretary serves for a number of years. The primary duties are recording the minutes of the Annual Business Meeting and the meetings of the Board of Directors. Votes shall be recorded in the following format: Vote reporting format: (Vote: XX-YY-ZZ) NN, where XX = Yes, YY = No, ZZ = abstain, and NN = no vote. The Administrative Officer will review the unapproved minutes before they are distributed to the Board of Directors for final approval. The approved minutes must be posted on the Society’s website. The Secretary must give due notice of all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. Additional duties may be assigned by the Board, such as formal correspondence for the Society. The Administrative Office assists the Secretary in the performance of the duties of the office. The Secretary serves on the Annual Review Committee of the Executive Officer. As compensation for these duties, the Society provides a complimentary hotel room at the SSSP conference hotel during the annual meeting for three nights. The Board approved that SSSP officers may receive subsidized hotel rooms, contingent upon financial circumstances.

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The Treasurer serves a one-year term and is nominated by the Board of Directors. The Board nominates one or more candidates for the office. The membership elects the Treasurer in the General Election. Traditionally, the Treasurer serves for a number of years. The Treasurer is assigned oversight responsibilities for the funds of the Society and their management and expenditure. The Treasurer works closely with the Executive Officer and the Administrative Officer in this task. The Treasurer reviews the purchases journal and approves the expenditures before the Administrative Officer prints the checks. This review serves as an appropriate segregation of duties for cash disbursements, considering the Society’s limited personnel available. The Treasurer’s signature appears on all checks. As the ex-officio, voting member of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, the Treasurer helps to project and revise the budgets and to determine the allocation of reserve funds in various investments. The Treasurer reports on the financial condition of the Society to the Board of Directors and to the membership. As compensation for these duties, the Society provides a complimentary hotel room at the SSSP conference hotel during the annual meeting for four nights. The Board approved that SSSP officers may receive subsidized hotel rooms, contingent upon financial circumstances.

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Board of Directors/Student Board Members

Each elected member of the Board of Directors serves a three-year term and is nominated by the Nominations Committee. The membership elects the Board members in the General Election. The Chairperson of the Council of the Divisions is nominated and elected by the Division Chairs to serve as a voting member on the Board. The Editor(s) of Social Problems is nominated by the Editorial and Publications Committee and appointed by the Board of Directors as a Board member. This position and the Chairperson-elect of the Council of the Divisions holds ex-officio, non-voting membership on the Board. Two Student Board members are elected for a two-year term on a staggered basis so that one member is elected each year. If a student board member secures a faculty or other position prior to beginning their term, they must relinquish their seat on the Board to the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes. If the position is secured after they begin their term, they may finish serving their two-year term.The Student Board Representatives conduct a meeting with the graduate students at the annual meeting. Throughout the year, the Student Board Representatives communicate with student members via the Graduate Student Listserv. As compensation for these duties, the Society provides up to $500 to stay at the conference hotel to each Student Board Representative to help subsidize their meeting expenses.

The Board of Directors meets regularly via Zoom and at the annual meeting to manage the Society’s affairs. The Board employs the Executive Officer and the Administrative Officer to assist them in managing the Society’s business. The primary responsibility of a Board member is attendance at the Board of Directors meetings. The Board must be informed of any issues that come before the Society so they can vote to support courses of action that they believe are in the best interest of the organization and will advance the purpose of the organization as stated in the By-laws.

Attendance at board meetings is very important.  If a board member is unable to attend, they can assign their proxy to another board member.  Regularly, the Board is polled via e-mail on important issues. Prompt response is requested. Quarterly financial reports are sent to Board members via e-mail for their review. Board members must carefully review the documents for the purpose of making informed decisions. If clarification is needed, the Administrative Officer will help. For more information on the Board of Directors, see Section I. C. in the Operations Manual.

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Anti-Harassment Committee

The Anti-Harassment Committee consists of six members.  Three members will be elected by the voting membership and three members will be appointed by the President, one of whom will be appointed to chair the committee.  The Chair should have expertise in the area of gender violence or related areas and preferably be a member of the Board of Directors.  Each member will serve a three-year term with the terms staggered so that at least two members are elected each year.  In addition to the elected and appointed members, the Executive Officer shall serve as an ex-officio member.

Initially, two committee members will serve a one-year term; two committee members will serve a two-year term; and the Chairperson and a committee member will serve a three-year term.  Thereafter replacements will be appointed as terms expire.

In order to protect the integrity of the Society, members of a committee, or the Board of Directors, must disclose any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest to the other members of the committee in any process involving the awarding of funds or anything else of value to an individual or group. The Committee Chair will then discuss the conflict or the appearance of the conflict with the Executive Officer, to determine the appropriate next step, which may be to require said member to withdraw from the process entirely or some portion of the process. Click here to access the policy.

Following criteria specified by the Board of Directors, the committee has the responsibility of recommending to the Board mechanisms for reporting violations of the anti-harassment policy; investigating and resolving reported violations of the anti-harassment policy; providing support and assistance to those reporting the violations and making every effort to be fair to all involved parties; the committee may seek external expertise and guidance for these processes.  The Board approved that, prior to the establishment of formal policy and procedure for reporting, investigating, and resolving reported violations of the anti-harassment policy, that in response to said accusations, the committee may request that the Board approve actions such as preventing an accused party from participating in or attending the annual meeting, serving in elected or appointed Society positions, or revoking membership, until adjudication of reported violations has been resolved.  Monies for this committee’s work shall be allocated at the discretion of the Board of Directors in consultation with the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee.

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Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee

The Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee consists of the Treasurer and three members elected by the membership to staggered three-year terms. The committee selects its own chair from the three elected members each year. The tradition has been to select the third-year member. At both the mid-year and the annual meeting, a member of the committee will act as secretary/minute taker. In order to maximize efficient transitions, the minute taker shall be the individual who will assume chair responsibilities in the following calendar year. This committee develops the most detailed knowledge of the financial situation of the Society. The Administrative Officer provides the committee with quarterly financial statements.

In order to protect the integrity of the Society, members of a committee, or the Board of Directors, must disclose any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest to the other members of the committee in any process involving the awarding of funds or anything else of value to an individual or group. The Committee Chair will then discuss the conflict or the appearance of the conflict with the Executive Officer, to determine the appropriate next step, which may be to require said member to withdraw from the process entirely or some portion of the process. Click here to access the policy.

Duties of the Committee

  • to examine, acknowledge, and approve the Society’s budget as proposed by the Administrative Officer in consultation with the Executive Officer
  • to acknowledge and approve the audit of the Society’s financial records each year by the Administrative Officer with the assistance of a certified public accountant
  • to supervise the Society’s investments
  • to conduct an in-depth yearly analysis to determine the Society’s financial solvency and challenges

Meetings of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee

The mid-year meeting is scheduled in late May or early June at which point a detailed examination of the Society’s finances takes place. A budget item for committee expenses is included in the Society’s budget. The committee will:

  • review the Society’s investments and recommend any changes
  • review the financial relationship between the Editorial Office of the Journal, the Administrative Office and the Executive Officer
  • review the relationship between the Society and the host institution of the Administrative Office
  • review the performance of Social Problems and the publisher of the journal
  • discuss investments and socially responsible mutual funds
  • review the audit performed by an independent accounting firm and recommend its acceptance or revision
  • review the current year’s budget and make any revisions, if needed
  • audit all stipends for service roles paid by the Society
  • project the following year’s budget
  • elect the next Chair

The Committee meets twice during the annual meeting to revise the current and following year’s budget and to review the Society’s investments. The Chair presents the current year’s budget to the Board of Directors for approval. The Treasurer presents the auditor’s report to the Board of Directors for approval. The newly appointed Chair presents the following year’s budget to the Board of Directors for approval.

The Committee meets during the fall to conduct a budget balancing exercise to help reduce the continuation of operating with a significant financial deficit. The budget balance exercise includes a dedicated line-by-line identification of potential cuts. The process will help provide information to help establish priorities for the future.

The Executive Officer and the Administrative Officer will attend committee meetings to provide additional information from their perspectives and answer any questions.

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Committee on Committees

The Committee on Committees consists of six members elected by the membership to staggered three-year terms. The committee selects its own Chair each year.

In order to protect the integrity of the Society, members of a committee, or the Board of Directors, must disclose any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest to the other members of the committee in any process involving the awarding of funds or anything else of value to an individual or group. The Committee Chair will then discuss the conflict or the appearance of the conflict with the Executive Officer, to determine the appropriate next step, which may be to require said member to withdraw from the process entirely or some portion of the process. Click here to access the policy.

Duties of the Committee

The committee must secure members to serve on the following committees prior to the annual meeting. A member may not serve on more than two committees within the Committee on Committees’ authority. There should be a commitment to nominating a diverse slate of nominees. This includes diversity based on racial-ethnic background, gender and sexual identities, geographic locations, and institutional settings (e.g., academia, practitioners, organizations, etc.).

The President-Elect can appoint members to serve as well. The Committee on Committees Chair contacts the President-Elect to see if the committee can offer assistance with additional nominations. The Administrative Officer will contact the Committee on Committees Chair in early March and request that they contact their committee members and find out which committees they will be responsible for. The Administrative Office will prepare committee lists (current members) of those who are willing to serve on appointed committees and send the lists to the appropriate Committee on Committees’ member by March 15 of each year.

  • Secure one or more persons to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Accessibility Committee for a one-year term.
  • Secure one person for each committee to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Erwin O. Smigel Award CommitteeLee Scholar Support Fund Committee, and the Lee Student Support Fund Committee for a one-year term.
  • Secure two persons to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning Committee for a three-year term.  The President-Elect will appoint a Chair from among the members who have served on the committee for at least one year.
  • Secure two persons to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Committee on Social Action and the Doris Wilkinson Faculty Leadership Award Committee for a one-year term.
  • Secure one or two persons to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Transnational Initiatives Committee for a three-year term.
  • Secure two current members of the Teaching Social Problems Division to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Kathleen S. Lowney Mentoring Award Committee for a one-year term. Ideally, one of these members would be the previous year's award recipient.
  • Secure three persons to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Elections Committee for a one-year term. 
  • Secure three persons from the area hosting the next annual meeting to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors who are willing to serve on the Local Arrangements Committee for a one-year term.  The President-Elect nominates the Chair.  The Chair often recruits his or her or their own committee.
  • Secure at least four persons to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Arlene Kaplan Daniels Paper Award Committee for a one-year term.
  • Secure at least five persons for each committee to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the C. Wright Mills Award Committee, Lee Founders Award Committee, and the Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Fellowship Committee for a one-year term.
  • Secure no more than six persons from the area hosting the next annual meeting to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors to the Thomas C. Hood Social Action Award Committee for a one-year term. 

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Editorial and Publications Committee

The Editorial and Publications Committee consists of six members elected by the membership to staggered three-year terms. Members who are nominated for election must have editorial experience.  The Chair of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee serves as a voting, ex-officio committee member. The Editor of Social Problems serves as a non-voting, ex-officio committee member. The outgoing editor of Social Problems serves a three-year term as a voting, ex-officio committee member. The Chair of the Justice 21 Committee shall serve a two-year term as a voting, ex officio member. The committee selects its own Chair each year.

The Editorial and Publications Committee shall have oversight responsibilities with respect to publication of the Agenda for Social Justice book series. In this capacity, the Editorial and Publications Committee will conduct a bi-yearly evaluation of the Justice 21 Committee’s work and offer itself as a resource to them in order to ensure the quality and timeliness of this respective publication. The Editorial and Publications Committee has the responsibility prior to the expiration of each Justice 21 Committee member’s term to inquire if they will rotate off the committee or are requesting a second term. This should be done one year in advance prior to term expiration. If the Justice 21 Committee member elects to rotate off the Justice 21 Committee after their first term, the Editorial and Publications Committee will publish a call for applications and appoint a group to select members of the Justice 21 Committee. If the current Justice 21 Committee member requests a second term, the Editorial and Publications Committee can recommend reappointment of the Justice 21 Committee for a second and final term not to exceed four years. The Editorial and Publications Committee will periodically review and publish its criteria for the oversight of the Justice 21 Committee, including the selection of its members. Final decisions regarding the editorial policies of the Agenda for Social Justice editorial policies are made by the Editorial and Publications Committee. The Chair of the Justice 21 Committee remains the final judge over acceptance and rejection of manuscripts and over format (within the limits set by the budget).

In order to protect the integrity of the Society, members of a committee, or the Board of Directors, must disclose any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest to the other members of the committee in any process involving the awarding of funds or anything else of value to an individual or group. The Committee Chair will then discuss the conflict or the appearance of the conflict with the Executive Officer, to determine the appropriate next step, which may be to require said member to withdraw from the process entirely or some portion of the process. Click here to access the policy.

Duties of the Committee

  • Provide oversight responsibilities with respect to the publication of Social Problems. The committee must ensure the quality and timeliness of this publication.
  • Conduct yearly evaluations of the Editor(s) of Social Problems. The committee can recommend reappointment for an additional term not to exceed three years.
  • Review periodically and publish its criteria for the oversight of the Editorial Office and for the selection of an Editor. Final decisions regarding the editorial policies of Social Problems are made by the Board of Directors or by the membership by vote or referendum. The Editor(s) remains the final judge over acceptance and rejection of manuscripts and over format within the limits set by the budget.
  • Provide oversight responsibilities with respect to publication of the Agenda for Social Justice book series.  The committee must ensure the quality and timeliness of this publication.
  • Conduct a bi-yearly evaluation of the Justice 21 Committee’s work and offer itself as a resource to them. Publish a call for applications and appoint a group to select members of the Justice 21 Committee as needed, at least every other year. The Committee can recommend reappointment of the Justice 21 Committee for a second and final term not to exceed four years.
  • Review periodically and publish its criteria for the oversight of the Justice 21 Committee, including the selection of its members. Final decisions regarding the editorial policies of the Agenda for Social Justice editorial policies are made by the Editorial and Publications Committee. The Chair of the Justice 21 Committee remains the final judge over acceptance and rejection of manuscripts and over format (within the limits set by the budget).
  • Supervise the preparation and the arrangements of publications of the Society other than Social Problems.

Evaluating the Editor(s) of Social Problems

The evaluation process will focus on finding out what sorts of challenges are being faced by the Editor(s), how the committee can help deal with these challenges, and what improvements or changes are needed to continue to move the journal forward.

Each year, the Editor(s) will include how the journal has fared over the past year and where it is going looking ahead in the annual report.  The Editor(s) will include a section that specifically addresses the tasks of the Editor(s) and provides answers to some combination of the following questions:

1) How does the Editor(s) feel the Editorial Office is functioning?

2) Does the Editor(s) have the needed resources to carry out the journal’s activities?

3) Has the Editor(s) implemented additional strategies to improve the visibility of the journal?

3a) If so, elaborate and indicate if that is going well or not?

4) What barriers exist to fulfilling the Editor’s goals with the journal?

5) Looking forward for the coming year, are there any problems on the horizon that could be addressed before they become a problem?

6) Are the working relationships (with other Editors, the host institution, the SSSP Administrative Office, etc.) positive, negative? Note: This question should be removed from the exit interview of the outgoing editors.

7) What additional ideas does the Editor(s) have for improving the journal and what resources would be needed to implement them? Note: This question should be removed from the exit interview of the outgoing editors.

The answers provided will facilitate an informed discussion year after year, with the ability to chart changes and improvements, opportunities, and challenges over time.

Evaluating the Editor of the Agenda for Social Justice

The evaluation process will focus on finding out what sorts of challenges the Editor is facing, how the committee can help, and improvements or changes needed to continue moving the book series forward.

On a bi-yearly basis, the Editor will include how the book series has fared over the past two years and where it is heading. One section addresses the tasks of the Editor and provides answers to some combination of the following questions:

1) How does the Editor feel the Editorial Group is functioning?

2) Does the Editor have the needed resources to carry out the group’s activities?

3) Has the Editor implemented additional strategies to improve the visibility of the book series?

3a) If so, elaborate and indicate if that is going well or not?

4) What barriers exist to fulfilling the Editor’s goals with the book series?

5) Looking forward to the coming two years, are there any preemptive or proactive ways to resolve potential future challenges?

6) Are the working relationships (with other Editors, the SSSP Administrative Office, and others) positive, negative?

7) What additional ideas does the Editor have for improving the book series, and what resources would be needed to implement them?

The answers provided will facilitate an ongoing informed discussion, with the ability to chart changes and improvements, opportunities, and challenges over time.

Contracting with a Publisher

Social Problems

The Society contracts with a publisher to handle various business aspects of publishing Social Problems. On December 12, 2013, the Society signed a five-year contract with Oxford University Press.  A second five-year contract was in effect from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024.  A third five-year contract is in effect from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2029. The contract will automatically renew for successive 5-year periods, unless terminated by either party giving the other at least twelve months’ prior written notice of termination, with termination to be effective at the end of the initial term.  The Editorial and Publications Committee must recommend to the Board of Directors whether to renew the contract or seek bids from alternative publishers before the contract expires.  The final decision remains with the Board of Directors.

If the Board of Directors decides to rebid the publisher contract, the search for a new publisher will be led by an Ad Hoc Publisher Search Committee comprised of the Executive Officer, Chair of the Editorial and Publications Committee, the current Editor of Social Problems, the Chair of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, the Treasurer, and one at-large member of the Editorial and Publications Committee.  The Executive Officer will serve as Chair and will be a non-voting member.  The Administrative Officer may be asked to serve in an advisory role. This ad hoc committee will review all bids, provide frequent updates to the Editorial and Publications Committee, select finalists, and make a recommendation to the Editorial and Publications Committee as a whole.  The Editorial and Publications Committee will vote on the recommendation of a new publisher and then forward their recommendation to the Board of Directors.  The Editorial and Publications Committee should also be included in any interviews with publisher finalists conducted.

The Agenda for Social Justice

The Society maintains a contract with a publishing company to handle the various business aspects of publishing the Agenda for Social Justice. If necessary, an Ad Hoc Publisher Search Committee will search for a new publisher. The Ad Hoc Publisher Search Committee is comprised of the Executive Officer, Chair of the Editorial and Publications Committee, the current Editor of the Agenda for Social Justice, the Chair of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, the Treasurer, and one at-large member of the Editorial and Publications Committee. The Executive Officer will serve as Chair and will be a non-voting member.  This ad hoc committee will review all bids, provide frequent updates to the Editorial and Publications Committee, select finalists, and make a recommendation to the Editorial and Publications Committee as a whole. The Editorial and Publications Committee will vote on the recommendation of a new publisher and then forward their recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Editorial and Publications Committee should also be included in any interviews with publisher finalists conducted at the annual meeting.

Policy Press / University of Bristol Press has published the Agenda for Social Justice volumes since 2016. The Editorial and Publications Committee can, if necessary, form an Ad Hoc Publisher Search Committee to recommend to the Board whether to continue the publication arrangement or to select a new publisher. The final decision remains with the Board.

Other Publications

The Editorial and Publications Committee may recommend other publications to the Board of Directors.  Given the wide use of Social Problems articles and their high quality, anthologies utilizing the articles have been well received.  Proposals must be prepared by current members.  The Editorial and Publications Committee reviews the proposals and makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors as to whether or not the book is endorsed by the Society as a sponsored publication.  Approved proposals are submitted to the publisher for consideration.  The agreement on sponsored publications stipulates that any royalties earned by these edited volumes will be paid to the Society.

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Membership and Outreach Committee/Student Representatives

The Membership and Outreach Committee consists of nine members elected by the membership to staggered three-year terms. Each cohort of elected committee members should include at least one graduate student. The members of the committee shall each year elect a chair from among those committee members who are serving their third year on the committee. At the annual meeting, a member of the committee will act as secretary/minute taker. In order to maximize efficient transitions, the minute taker shall be the individual who will assume chair responsibilities in the following calendar year. The Executive Officer and the Administrative Officer will attend committee meetings to provide additional information from their perspectives and answer any questions.

In order to protect the integrity of the Society, members of a committee, or the Board of Directors, must disclose any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest to the other members of the committee in any process involving the awarding of funds or anything else of value to an individual or group. The Committee Chair will then discuss the conflict or the appearance of the conflict with the Executive Officer, to determine the appropriate next step, which may be to require said member to withdraw from the process entirely or some portion of the process. Click here to access the policy.

The duties of the committee are to recruit new members, to raise awareness of SSSP, to post on the Society's social media accounts, and to recommend retention strategies to the Administrative Office, to the Executive Officer, and to the Board of Directors.

Timetable for Various Committee Activities:

Set Promotional Strategy Schedule: October 15*
Updates to promotional web sites to Administrative Office: October 31
Updates to printed promotional items to Administrative Office: November 15
Selections of target e-mail lists: November 30

*This schedule is to be modified on an annual basis in consultation with the Membership and Outreach Committee Chair at the beginning of the term according to the promotional strategy in place for the year.

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