Nomination Form for the 2025 Joseph B. Gittler Award

Nomintation Deadline: 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on  April 15, 2025.

Nominations are now open for the 2025 Joseph B. Gittler Award.

Please address all questions to:

Dr. Rachel L. Rayburn, Chair
Joseph B. Gittler Award Committee


Please list names of colleagues who would be willing and able to write supporting letters upon the request of the committee or upload letters of support with your nomination. Self-nominators please contact your colleagues prior to submitting their names about the need of the letter.

All online nominations must be accompanied by supporting evidence sufficiently detailed for the committee to render a decision (e.g., a resume; media accounts of activist activities inspired by the nominee's scholarly efforts; testimonials from grassroots organizations or advocacy agencies; or additional supporting description of the nominee’s work demonstrating that the contributions meet the criteria for nomination). We request that all information be included in a single document. Please use the "Upload a file" section below to upload your supporting documentation.

File must be saved with one of the following extensions: .pdf, .rtf
File upload times vary depending on file size. Please only click the upload button once.

* Required


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