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2015 Social Problems ISI Ranking

In June 2015, the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) released its annually compiled citation rankings for journals in the physical and biological sciences, medicine, technology, and social sciences for the 2014 publishing year. Each year, ISI ranks journals according to the number of citations each receives in other journals. Librarians, researchers, and tenure committees consider ISI rankings among the factors that determine a journal's benefit to and cache within the scholarly community.

We are pleased to announce that Social Problems continues to demonstrate and increase its influence and importance within the discipline of sociology. The 2014 ISI ranking for Social Problems placed it in the 89th percentile of all journals in the discipline—among the top 15 journals in all of sociology—with an impact factor of 1.729. The 5-Year impact factor of 2.669 speaks to the enduring quality of the journal and the lasting importance of its content to the field, especially as the number sociology journals continues to grow over time. In celebration of this accomplishment, a collection of highly cited articles is now freely available.

While these ISI rankings do not provide the entire picture of a journal, including its peer-review process, its history, or value to a niche audience, they do relay a journal's overall discoverability, relative significance in the field, and timeliness of content—aspects that result from the hard work and foresight of its editorial office, a healthy society membership and reader base, and a diligent publisher able to utilize every means possible to enhance visibility in a digital environment. Social Problems’ ongoing ranking among the highest-cited journals warrants hearty congratulations to the Editors of Social Problems -- past and present -- and their teams, whose efforts have ensured that Social Problems remains one of the most influential outlets in our discipline!

Posted Thursday, 07/02/2015, 01:52 PM - Comments - Category: Member News