Latest SSSP News

2020 Proposed Resolutions

Resolutions constitute an important opportunity for our scholar-activist membership to analyze and offer their opinions on contemporary social problems that we believe the Society should address as a social justice organization. The Board of Directors agreed that all three proposed resolutions would be posted for membership comment.

Between June 15 and July 15, the resolutions will be available for review and comment by the Society’s membership. During this review period, current members can express online, their support or opposition to a resolution, and their reasoning. They can also propose changes to the resolution for the Board of Director's consideration and final disposition. Click here to comment on the proposed resolutions. Note: You must be a current member to access this page. Click here to join or renew. If you have any questions regarding the proposed resolutions, please contact Dr. Daina Cheyenne Harvey, SSSP Vice-President and Chair, Committee on Social Action at

Posted Wednesday, 06/17/2020, 08:32 AM - Comments - Category: Member News