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Last Day to Sign Up for the 2020 Virtual Mentor Program – June 30

Today is the last day to sign up to take part in our first ever Virtual Mentor Program. The Virtual Mentor Program is designed to facilitate interaction between new members or graduate students and more experienced members of SSSP. Mentors provide valuable knowledge about the SSSP as well as insight into their own experiences as scholar activists. It is recommended that pairs communicate during the week of the would-be SSSP conference (August 7-9) to schedule at least one virtual meeting. Mentees and mentors can decide after that how they would like to proceed. Although this mentoring program is not designed necessarily to be a long-term commitment, the conversations and connections made through the program sometimes lead to long-term relationships and typically have lasting effects for both mentors and mentees. Click here for more information and to sign up.

Posted Tuesday, 06/30/2020, 11:27 AM - Comments - Category: Annual Meeting