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Climate Change

There are 13 states reporting wildfires by mid-July after record heat waves all over the U.S. in late June, 2021. Since 1983, three years witnessed burning area over 10 million acres: 2015, 2017, and 2020. Extreme weather is damaging other parts of the world as well. In June 2021, a Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework was passed and supported by the White House. The Framework includes environmental protection measures such as reducing harmful emissions, upgrading renewable energy, and addressing legacy pollution. The U.S. had led the world in environmental protection since the early 20th century with a landmark book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson describing the horrors of pollution. The current policy favoring environmental protection is a good start to tackle the serious climate change issue and hopefully more is to come. Global cooperation is needed on this front of environmental protection. A link to China’s 2010 Greenbook is provided after that of Silent Spring.


Posted Friday, 08/20/2021, 08:05 AM - Comments - Category: Member News