Latest SSSP News

FREE Virtual International Conference: Reimagining our Worlds from Below: Transnational Conversations on Resistance, Movements, and Transformations

The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) is hosting a free virtual international conference aimed to provide a platform for scholars, activists, practitioners, students, professionals, governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and members of civil society from all over the world to network, share experiences and learn from one another across boundaries – as we reimagine forms of resistance, movements, and solutions to the unconscionable historic and existential challenges we face on our planet. We warmly invite you to join the conversation on May 18-21, 2022. Participation from the Global South is especially encouraged. Please share this information with organizations, activists, scholars and colleagues, especially those from the Global South and from countries/cultures outside the US, Canada or Europe. For more information about the Call for Submissions (deadline 3/20/22) and the conference model, visit:

Posted Thursday, 02/10/2022, 09:48 AM - Comments - Category: Annual Meeting