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September Virtual Events hosted by the Kauffman Foundation

Entrepreneurship Issues Forum

We hope to see you at our upcoming webinar, “The power of partnership: Forming strong research and community partnerships," on September 22 at 11 a.m. CT. 

This forum will highlight six research teams from Kauffman’s Community Engaged research cohort who will share their experiences in designing research with partnerships in mind, forming strong community partnerships, as well as the challenges or pitfalls that other researchers should be aware of before engaging in this approach to research production. 

Register for the September Entrepreneurship Issue Forum 


Early-Stage Researcher Professional Development Series 

The Kauffman Foundation will be hosting the next virtual Early-Stage Researcher Professional Development session will take place on Friday, September 30 at 1 p.m. CT with Rachel Atkins  She will be talking about her background, the job market, her first year as a professor as well as her experiences and what she has learned so far as an early career faculty member.

This series is open to 25 early-stage researchers.  

Register for Professional Development Series 

Posted Tuesday, 09/13/2022, 10:26 AM - Comments - Category: Member News