Latest SSSP News

Reminder: 2015 General Election Nominations

Shannon Monnat, Chairperson of the Council of the Divisions, asked us to distribute the following announcement.  Please respond directly to Shannon at SHANNON.MONNAT@GMAIL.COM if you have any questions. 

Most sincerely,
The Administrative Office


Nominations are open for candidates to run in the 2015 General Election. We will be electing a President-Elect, a Vice-President Elect, regular and student members of the Board of Directors, members of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, Committee on Committees, Editorial and Publications Committee, and the Membership and Outreach Committee. Please consider nominating a colleague or yourself for one of these offices by completing the online nomination form.  

Nominations should include a brief description of the nominee's SSSP involvement and other relevant experiences. The Nominations Committee will meet at the Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. All nominations should be submitted prior to Sunday, June 15. The Board of Directors will approve the slate of candidates for the 2015 General Election on August 17.  If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Monnat directly.    

Online Nomination Form: 

Posted Wednesday, 05/28/2014, 02:53 PM - Comments - Category: Member News