Latest SSSP News

2016 Proposed Resolutions

Resolutions constitute an important opportunity for our scholar-activist membership to analyze and opine on contemporary social problems that we believe the Society should address as a social justice organization.  All SSSP members are invited to review the proposed 2016 resolutions and participate in the resolutions process.

New resolution guidelines were adopted in order to promote and facilitate wider discussion prior to formal consideration at the 2016 Business Meeting [Saturday, August 20 from 4:15pm–5:25pm, Cascade II].  To that end, please review the three proposed resolutions. An open forum to discuss the proposed resolutions will be held on Friday, August 19, 2:30pm–4:10pm, Puget Sound.  Possible modifications to the resolutions will be considered during the open discussion.  The revised (if any) resolutions will then be presented as a package for approval by the membership at the business meeting.

We would also like to remind individuals and divisions who submitted resolutions that if the action requires sending a letter or letters and/or e-mails, you will have to provide the names and addresses of the recipients and possibly be asked to assist in the drafting of the correspondence. Our thanks to everyone who submitted a resolution and to our members for giving them careful consideration.  If you have any questions regarding the proposed resolutions, I can be reached at

Posted Friday, 08/05/2016, 06:38 PM - Comments - Category: Annual Meeting