Latest SSSP News

Census Bureau Stops Work on Trump’s Request for Unauthorized Immigrant Count

As an organization committed to the promotion and protection of sociological research, the recent actions by the Census Bureau, to halt the Trump-directed exclusion of unauthorized immigrants from population counts, is a victory for those tirelessly working to uphold the political power of immigrants regardless of legal status. During a time when so many in these same communities are suffering the double burden of COVID-19 and the precarity of legal status, which in some cases threatens to put them in “the back of the line” for a vaccine, efforts to ensure the quality of life and social welfare of this group remain necessary.

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Post written by Alessandra Bazo Vienrich, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Worcester State University, Membership and Outreach Committee

Posted Tuesday, 01/19/2021, 01:12 PM - Comments - Category: Member News