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Don’t Forget to Participate in Today’s Virtual Event: SSSP Justice 21 Committee Webinar: A Panel Discussion: Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19

Please join the Center for Social Science Research (CSSR) today from 12:00-1:15 EST for a lively conversation with SSSP Justice 21 Committee members, Kristen Budd, David Lane, Glenn Muschert, Jason Smith and SSSP President Corey Dolgon as they offer sociological insight and understanding of COVID-19’s impact on social problems, both old and new, and offer recommendations for action by citizens, elected officials, policy makers, and the public.


Click here to register for the event. For more information about the event and panelists, please visit the CSSR website (


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Posted Thursday, 01/28/2021, 05:14 PM - Comments - Category: Member News