Latest SSSP News

Together We Can Make a Difference

Why do you give to the SSSP? Past-President Anna Maria Santiago, Michigan State University, shares:  “For 75 years, SSSP and its members have affirmed the relevance of scholarship in pursuit of social justice. Now more than ever, our voices are needed to encourage critical scholarship and debate to tackle the seemingly intractable social problems facing our world. With our support, SSSP can continue offering new generations of scholar-activists with opportunities and encouragement to engage in scholarship that makes a difference during the next 75 years.”

Your tax-deductible, end-of-year donation helps us continue essential work to create a more just world. Support one of our awards, funds, or give a general donation to help us reach our goals. Your donation of any amount will help sustain the Society, show your appreciation for your past or current involvement with the SSSP, and support further sociologists and the discipline. If you have questions, please contact us at to SSSP.

Posted Tuesday, 12/10/2024, 07:40 AM - Comments - Category: Member News