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Archives - December 2012

December 04, 2012

Upcoming SSSP Deadlines

We have a few announcements and reminders to bring to your attention. For more information on each, simply click on the links below.

1.  Nominate a book for the 2012 C. Wright Mills Award - deadline is December 15, 2012.

2.  The 2013 General Election ballot preview is available.  Voting will take place from March 15 - April 15, 2013.

3.  Remember to renew your membership for 2013, if you have not already.

4.  Submit a paper for the SSSP 2013 Annual Meeting - deadline is January 31, 2013.

5.  Apply for one of the SSSP Division's Student Paper Competitions or Outstanding Scholarship Awards. Note that the deadline for all Student Paper Competitions is January 31, 2013. Deadlines vary for the Outstanding Scholarship Awards. 

6.  The Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship deadline is February 1, 2013.

Happy Holidays!

12/04/2012, 08:58 AM