Latest SSSP News

Archives - December 2018

December 20, 2018

Resolution Letter: Disarming Campus Police

Executive Officer Héctor L. Delgado wrote on behalf of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) to address the dangers posed by armed police on our university and college campuses - especially with the killings of community members at UC Riverside and at Portland State University over the past few months, and to ask for support in the call to disarm campus police nationwide.

The danger posed by armed police on our campuses is best understood as a structural problem. It is, at its heart, a pattern of dangerous behavior facilitated by institutions and representative of the militarization and securitization of our communities and our workplaces. These social conditions, stoked by the current administration and other politicians, facilitated by the 1033 Program, and fed by reactionary responses by administrators within higher education pose an increasing risk to students, faculty, and workers. It is at this confluence of social forces that we need sociological analyses to help clarify exactly what the problem is, where it stems from, and how to address it. 

Click here to view the full letter.

12/20/2018, 11:31 AM

Your Donation is Tax Deductible

Did you know that SSSP is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization?  We accept tax deductible contributions to support our general operation and for specific purposes.  We always welcome contributions and our goal is to grow our mission through contributions of members like you.  If you have questions, please do not hot hesitate to contact us.

Give to SSSP

12/20/2018, 09:43 AM


December 19, 2018

Submit a paper for the SSSP 2019 Annual Meeting–Deadline 1/31/19

Submit a paper for the 2019 Annual Meeting, The deadline is midnight (EST) on January 31, 2019. 

Apply for one of the SSSP Division’s Student Paper Competitions or Outstanding Scholarship Awards,  The deadline for all Student Paper Competitions is January 31, 2019.  In order to be considered for any of the Student Paper Competitions, applicants are required to submit their papers through the Annual Meeting Call for Papers,  This will ensure that winning papers are both designated and included in the program.  Please note that students may only submit to one division and that each division has its own deadline and submission process.  The deadline for the Outstanding Scholarship Awards varies across divisions.

12/19/2018, 10:04 AM


December 13, 2018

SSSP Member News – Share Your Accomplishments

Have you received a promotion?  Published an article or book?  Click here to see what other members are doing or to submit your own news to be posted on the SSSP website.

12/13/2018, 09:39 AM


December 11, 2018

Make your Hotel Reservation for the 2019 Annual Meeting

The 2019 Annual Meeting will be held at the Roosevelt Hotel.  Please consider securing a room in the SSSP room block at our discounted room rate of $229 plus tax, per night.  Note: There are a limited number of Cozy Queen Rooms (one queen bed, 1 or 2 persons) available at $209 plus tax, per night.  Staying in the conference hotel will be very convenient for you.  For more information, visit:

12/11/2018, 10:03 AM


December 06, 2018

2018 C. Wright Mills Award

The deadline to submit nominations for the 2018 C. Wright Mills Award is December 15, 2018.  Members of the Society are encouraged to submit letters of nomination for this prestigious annual award.  Self nominations are acceptable.  Edited volumes, textbooks, fiction and self-published works are not eligible.  Eligible books must be first edition (not a reprint or later edition) and bear a 2018 copyright date.  Exceptions may be made for a book bearing a 2017 copyright, but that was not released until 2018 for the first time.  For more information, visit

12/06/2018, 11:21 AM


December 04, 2018

End of the Year Reminders

SSSP has several announcements and reminders to bring to your attention.  Take this opportunity to nominate a book for the C. Wright Mills Award; review the ballot for the 2019 General Election; renew your membership for 2019, if you have not already; and apply for one of the SSSP Division’s Student Paper Competitions, Outstanding Scholarship Awards, or the Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Fellowship.  Remember to submit a paper for the 2019 Annual Meeting and enjoy Social Problems via social media.  For more information, visit


12/04/2018, 09:08 AM