Latest SSSP News

Together We Can Make a Difference

Why do you give to the SSSP? Korey Tillman, Northeastern University, shares, “Outside of the conference, SSSP has supported me in many ways. Through the mentoring program, I met Vilna Bashi who has been invaluable as a guide and mentor. I have participated in op-ed writing workshops, and I am a past recipient of the Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Fellowship. So, in no small part, SSSP has been foundational to the formation of my intellect and scholarship, and I plan to always give back!”

Your tax-deductible, end-of-year donation helps us continue essential work to create a more just world. Support one of our awards, funds, or give a general donation to help us reach our goals. Your donation of any amount will help sustain the Society, show your appreciation for your past or current involvement with the SSSP, and support further sociologists and the discipline. If you have questions, please contact us at sssp@utk.eduGive to SSSP.

Posted Tuesday, 11/26/2024, 08:43 AM - Comments - Category: Member News