Deadline: 1/31/25

The Conflict, Social Action, and Change Division is excited to announce its 2025 Graduate Student Paper Award. Students are encouraged to submit empirically based papers with a theoretical contribution addressing topics pertaining to collective conflict, action, and change. Topics for submission might include but are not limited to the following themes: political conflict, repression, and violence, social movement mobilization and protest, peacebuilding and conflict transformation, criminal justice reform, resistance and norm contestation, and institutional change. The winner will receive a $200 cash award, a one-year student membership to SSSP, conference registration fees, and an electronic certificate commemorating their superb achievement.

Guidelines for submission are as follows: A paper must not yet be published or accepted for publication at the time of submission. It can, however, be under review. Papers must be authored by a current graduate student (either solely or co-authored by more than one graduate student) and may not be co-authored by a faculty member or other nonstudent. The student may not submit the same paper to more than one division.

To be considered, submit:

  • a copy of the manuscript,
  • a cover letter specifying that the paper is to be considered for the Conflict, Social Action, and Change Division Graduate Student Paper Competition, and
  • a letter from each author’s advisor or mentor certifying the person’s status as a student and some brief comments about the research.

Papers should not exceed 50 doubled-spaced pages including all notes, references, and tables. Please upload your submission to both the annual meeting Call for Papers submission site AND send an electronic copy of all requested materials to the Division Chair, C Michael Awsumb at with the subject line: “CSAC 2025 Student Paper Award.” The advisor’s letter can arrive separately or from the graduate student directly (if separately, please use the same subject line).


Deadline: 1/31/25

The Conflict, Social Action, and Change Division is excited to announce our Outstanding Article Award for 2025. With this award, the division aims to recognize published and pre-published work exemplary in its contributions for scholars and activists with work advancing the rigorous critical-scholarship and activist-informed understandings of the character and causes of oppression, conflict, social movements, and social change central to the division's mission. Articles on a broad range of topics are welcomed (e.g., poverty, criminal justice, social movements, mobilization and protest, political conflict, repression, violence and war, peacebuilding and conflict transformation, global inequality, labor, the environment, migration, human rights, race, gender, and sexuality-based oppression and inequality, the body, intersectionality, teaching for change, resistance and norm contestation, and institutional change); however, nominated articles should demonstrate commitment to social justice and research of, by, and/or for those most affected by social inequalities in the global world.

Guidelines for submission of nominations are as follows. Eligible articles must have been or will be published between January 1, 2020, and January 1, 2025. Single- or multiple- authored articles are accepted. Nominees must be members of SSSP. Authors are encouraged to nominate their own work. Nominations are submitted the Division Chair, C Michael Awsumb, via email at:

Emailed nominations should be titled “CSAC 2025 Outstanding Paper Article Nomination” and include as attachments:

  • a copy of the article,
  • a cover letter specifying the article is to be considered for the CSAC 2025 Outstanding Article Award,
  • current Vita(s) of the nominated author(s), and
  • a cover letter describing the research, project, and/or work from which the publication originates and a brief biographical statement and affiliation for all authors.

Nominees and nominated articles will be reviewed and awardee(s) determined by the Outstanding Article Award Committee. The awardee(s) will receive a plaque of recognition at the Conflict Social Action and Change business meeting and be featured in the division newsletter.