Deadline: 1/31/25

The Crime and Justice Division (CJD) invites submissions for its annual graduate student paper competition. Papers submitted to the CJD Student Paper Competition may be empirical or theoretical papers covering a broad range of topics in crime and justice.


The CJD winner will receive:

  1. a $150 cash prize on behalf of the CJD,
  2. an electronic certificate of recognition provided by the SSSP,
  3. compensation covering membership dues and conference registration provided by the SSSP, and
  4. recognition at the CJD divisional meeting and the SSSP awards ceremony.

Please note, if the paper is co-authored, there is only one cash award, one membership award, and one conference registration award. A recognition plaque will be provided for each co-author.

Eligibility requirements:

  1. All authors are a graduate student at the time of submission to the graduate student paper competition; therefore, the paper must be student authored or student co-authored. The paper may not be co-authored with a faculty member.
  2. The paper is not published or accepted for publication at the time of submission.
  3. You have not submitted your paper to another SSSP division student paper competition. As per SSSP rules, you may only submit your paper to one division student paper competition.
  4. Papers that have been presented previously at SSSP or presented or accepted for presentation at other professional meetings, unless they have been revised substantially with new data, findings, or theoretical contributions will not be considered.

Submission guidelines:

  1. Recommended length is thirty pages or less, which includes tables, charts, figures, and bibliography; longer papers will be considered but length is one criterion of evaluation. Submissions should use 12-point font, one-inch margins, and double spacing.
  2. All award-winning papers will be included in the SSSP annual meeting program; therefore, all submissions to the CJD paper competition must also be submitted through SSSP’s online annual meeting Call for Papers submission portal

To submit:

E-mail the paper and a cover letter confirming eligibility to CJD Graduate Student Paper Award Committee Chair Dr. Stephani Williams, Northern Arizona University ( Please send Microsoft Word or PDF files only. The submission deadline is January 31, 2025, but early submissions are welcome and encouraged.


Deadline: 1/31/25

The Crime and Justice Division (CJD) seeks nominations for its Scholarly Achievement Award.


The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor crime and justice members for their distinguished contributions to teaching/mentorship, scholarship, or leadership in the fields of crime and/or justice.

  1. Award category one: Teaching and/or Mentoring. Be a distinguished contributor to teaching and/or mentorship in the areas of crime and/or justice, which can be demonstrated through educational achievements and various avenues of educational productivity. Includes, but is not limited to, recognition of teaching and/or mentoring through awards or other recognitions, publishing teaching and/or mentoring materials (e.g., Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the areas of crime and/or justice), certificates of teacher training, unsolicited letters from students or community members, or community education via events or other contributions in the areas of crime and/or justice.
  1. Award category two: Research and Scholarship. Be a distinguished contributor to scholarship in the areas of crime and/or justice which can be demonstrated through scholarly achievements and various avenues of scholarly productivity. Includes, but is not limited to, books, articles, reviews, technical reports, grants, and papers presented to scholarly associations.
  1. Award category three: Leadership and/or Activism. Substantial leadership and/or activist contributions to the Crime and Justice Division and the SSSP, to a college/university in the areas of crime and/or justice, or to other institutions where their leadership and/or activism had a direct contribution to improving social justice responses to crime and/or justice (e.g., includes academic-community partnerships, community coalitions, government or public service).

Submission Guidelines:

  1. The nominee should apply to only one award category: teaching/mentoring OR research/scholarship OR leadership/activism. Nominees who submit their application and include more than one award category will not be eligible.
  2. Nominee narrative demonstrating their scholarly contributions to teaching/mentoring, research/scholarship, or leadership/activism that is no longer than 1000 words.
  3. No more than two nomination letters supporting the nominee’s noteworthy contributions to teaching/ mentoring, research/scholarship, or leadership/activism.
  4. Nominee’s current CV with relevant items related to the award highlighted.


The nominee must be a current member of the SSSP and the CJD.

To submit:

Please send your nomination to CJD Scholarly Achievement Award Committee Chair Dr. Lloyd Klein, LaGuardia Community College ( The submission deadline is January 31, 2025, but early submissions are welcome and encouraged.


  1. An engraved award plaque
  2. Recognition at the annual CJD division meeting and in the CJD newsletter
  3. Recognition on the Award Winner’s section of SSSP’s website