Educational Problems Division
Deadline: 1/31/25
The Educational Problems Division announces its 2025 Graduate Student Paper Competition. Papers must address a contemporary educational problem and may be empirical or theoretical in nature. Authors must be current graduate students. In addition to single-authored papers, co-authored papers will be considered for this award if co-authors are graduate students but not co-authored with a faculty member or colleague who is not a student. Papers are not eligible for this award if they have been published or accepted for publication before being submitted for consideration. Papers are not eligible if they have been presented previously at SSSP or presented or accepted for presentation at other professional meetings, unless they have been revised substantially with new data, findings, or theoretical contributions. Papers must not exceed 30 double-spaced pages (excluding notes, references, tables, and figures). All papers must include a 150-200 word abstract and be prepared for anonymous review with the author’s name and institutional affiliation appearing only on the title page. Authors are required to submit their papers through the annual meeting Call for Papers process as a condition for consideration for the award. Students may only submit to one division.
All papers must also be submitted electronically (as a PDF attachment) to the Division Chair, Dr. Kyla Walters at with the following e-mail subject line: SSSP Educational Problems Student Paper Nomination. Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and contact information in the body of your e-mail. The paper should be submitted no later than 11:59pm (Eastern Time), January 31, 2025.
- An electronic certificate of recognition
- A modest cash stipend
- Student membership in the SSSP
- Conference registration to the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting
- Recognition at the annual meeting Awards Ceremony
- Recognition at the annual Educational Problems division meeting
- Recognition in the Educational Problems special edition newsletter
- Recognition on the SSSP’s website under award winners
Deadline: 3/1/25
The Educational Problems Division announces its Outstanding Book Award. The award will be geared toward division members on their first book. The goal is to award an early career scholar and those who recently turned their dissertation into a book or recently published their first book. The hope is to support their professional journey whether it is toward tenure or a career outside the academy.
To be eligible for consideration, books must have been published within 3 years of the meeting (2022-2025 for this year’s award) and not have been nominated for this award previously. Single or multi-authored books and edited collections will be considered. Books must address a contemporary educational problem and may be empirical or theoretical in nature. At least one of the authors must be a member of the SSSP to qualify for the award, although they will not be required to present a paper at the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting. Nominations can be made by members of the Educational Problems division as well as by publishers; self-nominations are welcome.
Nominees should send a 1-page letter with full publication information and a paragraph outlining the reasons for their nomination to Dr. Kyla Walters at with “SSSP Educational Problems Outstanding Book Award Nomination” in the e-mail subject line. Once your nomination letter has been received, Kyla will confirm the mailing addresses to which copies of the book should be sent directly. Committee members choose whether they want a physical or electronic copy of the book. Authors or nominators will be responsible for facilitating copies of a physical and/or an electronic copy of the book (if available) from the publishers to be sent to each member of the award committee by the nomination deadline of 11:59pm (Pacific Time), March 1, 2025.
- An award certificate
- Recognition at the annual Educational Problems division meeting
- Recognition in the Educational Problems special edition newsletter
- Recognition on the SSSP’s website under award winners
Deadline: 2/15/25
The Educational Problems Division announces its Contribution to the Discipline Award. This award will be teaching/mentoring geared toward academic ranks of full or associate professors and nonacademic hires who are doing meaningful work, namely in their teaching, mentoring, advising, etc. Nominees should demonstrate achievements through various avenues of teaching and/or mentorship via innovative practices, receipt of awards or other recognitions, publishing on mentoring, publishing on teaching, certificates of teacher training, unsolicited letters from students/mentees or community members, community education via events, and/or other contributions in the areas of education.
Assistant professors may apply, but this award aims to recognize contributors who have been working in the field for many years and are thus more likely to be in a career place where they can focus on teaching and/or mentoring. The purpose of the Contribution to the Discipline Award is to highlight members doing great work advancing pedagogy, and mentoring undergraduate, graduate students, as well other faculty. This award is not limited to division members with academic careers or positions.
- Nominee narrative demonstrating contributions to teaching/mentoring, no longer than 1,000 words.
- No more than two nomination letters supporting the nominee’s noteworthy contributions to teaching/mentoring.
- Nominee’s current CV with relevant items related to the award highlighted.
The nominee must be a current member of the SSSP and Educational Problems division. To submit: Please send your nomination to Dr. Kyla Walters at with “SSSP Educational Problems Contribution to the Discipline Nomination” in the e-mail subject line. Nominations can be made by members of the Educational Problems division as well as other SSSP members; self-nominations are accepted. The submission deadline is 11:59pm (Pacific Time), February 15, 2025, but early submissions are welcome and encouraged.
- An award certificate
- Recognition at the annual Educational Problems division meeting
- Recognition in the Educational Problems special edition newsletter
- Recognition on the SSSP’s website under award winners