Deadline: 1/31/25

The Global Division announces its 2025 Graduate Student Paper Competition. The goal is to encourage critical scholarship in global studies and social problems. Although the concept of global encompasses an array of subject areas, paper topics must have a global focus and may include but are not limited to the following themes: 

• Global South Epistemology • Global Environmental and Climate Justice; Global Social Theory • Political Economy and Development • COVID-19, Health, and the Global South • Global Capital and Local Struggles • Knowledge Production • Neoliberalism and the Global South • Counterhegemonic Globalizations • The Politics of Human Rights • Critical Ethnography • Immigration, Citizenship, and Global Justice • Global Movements, Protests, and Mobilizations • Global Public Sociology • Transnational Organizing within the Global South • Labor and Gender in Globalization • Families in the Global Context • Global Poverty • Displacement and Discontents • Global Movements 

Jointly authored papers are accepted; however, all contributing authors must be current graduate students at the time of submission for this award. The award recipient will receive student membership in the SSSP, conference registration at the 2025 Annual SSSP Meeting, an electronic certificate of recognition, be recognized at the SSSP Awards Ceremony, and receive a $200 prize. Award recipients are expected to present their papers at the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting. Papers should be accompanied by a cover letter specifying their submission as consideration for the 2025 Graduate Student Paper Competition to the Chair of the Global Division: Caitlin Schroering (

Please submit the paper electronically in a format compatible with MS WORD. Papers should be double-spaced and not exceed 10,000 words, including citations. Authors should ensure that they receive a confirmation of receipt for their submission. Note: previous winners of this award are ineligible to compete, and students may only submit their paper to one division competition. To be eligible for consideration, submissions must be uploaded to the Call for Papers online submission system for the SSSP Annual Meeting and sent to the chair of the division Caitlin Schroering at by January 31, 2025.


Deadline: 3/1/25

The Global Division is pleased to announce its 2025 Outstanding Book Award. The award is intended to recognize published work of exceptional quality in the areas of global studies and social problems and to encourage critical scholarship in these areas. Books on a variety of topics and themes of global relevance will be considered for the award, including but not limited to the following: alternative models of globalization; global dynamics and forms of resistance to neoliberalism; transnational social movements; human rights struggles and global activism (around gender, indigeneity, migration, peace, social justice, etc.); transnational communities and cultural politics; global cities; global environmental/climate justice; global theory; global capital and local struggles. We are particularly interested in books that make critical contributions to our understanding of global political/social/economic/cultural/environmental dynamics.

To be eligible for consideration, books must have been published within 3 years of the meeting (2022-2025 for this year’s award) and not have been nominated for this award previously. Single or multiple-authored books will be accepted; however, edited collections will not be considered. At least one of the authors must be a member of the SSSP to qualify for the award, although they will not be required to present a paper at the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting. Nominations can be made by members of the Global Division as well as by publishers; self-nominations are also welcome. The winner will be recognized at the 2025 Global Division business meeting.

Nominees should first send a letter with full publication information and a paragraph outlining the reasons for their nomination to Caitlin Schroering at All nominating correspondence should include “SSSP Global Division Outstanding Book Award Nomination” in the e-mail subject heading. Once your nomination letter has been received, Caitlin Schroering will confirm the mailing addresses to which copies of the book should be sent directly. Authors will be requested to facilitate with their publishers that both a physical and an electronic copy of the book (if available) be sent to each member of the award committee by the nomination deadline of March 1, 2025.