Institutional Ethnography Division
Deadline: 1/31/25
The Institutional Ethnography Division is pleased to solicit papers for its 2025 George W. Smith Graduate Student Paper Competition. To be considered, papers should advance institutional ethnography scholarship either methodologically or through a substantive contribution. For an overview of institutional ethnography and the purposes of the IE Division. Authors must be currently enrolled graduate students or have graduated within the last 12 months.
Submissions are to be 25 pages long or less, excluding notes, references and tables, and be submitted in Word-compatible and PDF formats, following the latest APA guidelines. An electronic letter from the student’s supervisor attesting to the lead author’s student status must accompany the submission. The student must be the sole author of the paper; submissions with co-authors are not allowed.
The recipient will receive a monetary prize of $100, an electronic certificate of recognition, student membership, conference registration, and an opportunity to present the winning paper at the 2025 SSSP meetings. The winner of the 2025 paper will be invited to sit on the adjudicating panel for the 2026 paper submissions. Please note that any paper submitted for consideration for the George W. Smith Graduate Student Paper Award must also be submitted through the SSSP Call for Papers to be presented at the 2025 meeting of the SSSP.
Send submissions to: Naomi Nichols (, Liz Brule ( and Helen Hudson ( by January 31, 2025. Please be aware that a paper submission may only be submitted to one division.
Deadline: 3/31/25
The Institutional Ethnography Division is pleased to solicit nominations for the 2025 Dorothy E. Smith Award for Scholar-Activism. This award recognizes the activities of an individual or group who has made substantial contributions to institutional ethnographic scholar activism in either a single project or longer trajectory of work. The contributions may involve IE research conducted and used for activist ends, or it may involve activist efforts that have drawn upon or contributed to IE scholarship. The award committee invites members of the Division to send a one-page statement of the nominee to committee chair Viviane Namaste ( by March 31, 2025.