Deadline 1/31/25

The Labor Studies Division is soliciting graduate student papers that build on the legacy of the late Harry Braverman. Braverman’s work on labor processes, his concern with the growth of large corporations, and how machinery would transform and alter work and the role of workers is as relevant today as it was when he was writing. The Braverman tradition includes work in a variety of areas, including (but not limited to): labor process studies, critical organization studies, research on the intersections of gender, race, and class at work, technical and organizational change and its impact on work culture, labor movements and resistance in the workplace, critical perspectives on labor markets and occupational transformation. Papers co-authored with faculty members will not be accepted. Single authored papers by graduate students and papers co-authored by graduate students are welcome. All papers will be evaluated by three Labor Studies Division scholars who serve on the awards committee.

To Submit: E-mail papers and a short letter of submission identifying your graduate program to the Labor Studies Division Chair at by the 1/31/2025 deadline. In addition, authors are required to submit their papers through the annual meeting Call for Papers online system.