Deadline: 1/31/25

The Law and Society Division announces its 2025 Lindesmith Graduate Student Paper Competition. Papers may be empirical or theoretical, and they may be on any aspect of law and society. To be eligible, a paper must have been written during 2024. At the time of submission for the Award, the paper may not be published or accepted for publication. However, it may be submitted to a journal and/or under review. Papers presented at a professional meeting or accepted for presentation at a professional meeting are eligible. Papers must be student-authored; they can be single-authored or co-authored by students but may not be co-authored by a faculty member or other non-student. Papers may be submitted to only ONE division of SSSP per year. Submissions made to multiple divisions will be disqualified. Previous winners are not eligible.

Please submit in MS Word. There is a 25-page limit, including all notes, references, and tables. Submissions should use 12-point font, one-inch margins, and double spacing throughout. Please send papers and a cover letter specifying that the paper is to be considered in the SSSP Law and Society Division Lindesmith Graduate Student Paper Competition electronically to both Dr. Michael Branch,, and Dr. Jacinta Gau, In addition, authors are required to submit their papers through the annual meeting Call for Papers online system. The winner will be announced in Spring 2025. The winner will receive a $100 stipend, a plaque of recognition, and is eligible to present the paper at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Chicago with SSSP membership and conference registration paid by SSSP. Additionally, the winner of the 2025 paper award will be invited to sit on the adjudicating panel for the 2026 paper submissions. Nominations must be received no later than January 31, 2025.


Deadline: 1/31/25

The Law and Society Division announces the 2025 Edwin H. Sutherland Book Award. The primary purpose of this award is to focus on excellence in scholarship within the study of law and society. Eligible books must have been published in 2023 or 2024. Authors may nominate their work and multiple-authored books are acceptable. All nominees must be members of SSSP. Please e-mail either Dr. Michael Branch,, or Dr. Jacinta Gau, to arrange for shipment of three copies of the nominated book (or e-book versions) and submission of a letter of nomination. The winner will be announced in Spring 2025, receive a $100 award, and be recognized at the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting in Chicago. Nominations must be received no later than January 31, 2025.