Sociology, Social Work, and Social Welfare Division
Deadline: 1/31/25
The Sociology, Social Work, and Social Welfare Division (SSWSW) announces its 2025 Graduate Student Paper Competition. Paper topics can focus on various aspects of sociological, social welfare or social work research. Quantitative and qualitative analyses, applied research, and theoretical papers are all acceptable. There are several requirements for a paper to be eligible for submission. First is that the paper may not already be published or accepted for publication or conference presentation. Second is that the paper must be student-authored. This means the paper may be authored by either one student or co-authored by multiple students but cannot be co-authored by a faculty member or non-student. Third, papers may not exceed 25 double-spaced pages (including all notes, references, tables, and graphs) and must include a brief abstract. Fourth, students may only submit their paper to one Division. If selected for the award, the author(s) must commit to present the paper at a session at the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting in Chicago and will receive: a $200 cash award; a one-year SSSP student membership; a waiver of 2025 Conference registration fees; an electronic certificate of recognition; and recognition at the Conference awards ceremony.
To be considered for the award please submit the following: (a) a copy of the paper in English; (b) a cover letter specifying that the paper is being submitted for consideration in the 2025 Sociology, Social Work, and Social Welfare Division Graduate Student Paper Competition in English; and (c) a short letter from each author’s adviser certifying the author status as a student and including some brief comments about their author’s research in English. All materials must be submitted electronically by January 31, 2025, to: (1) the annual meeting Call for Papers on the SSSP 2025 Conference website and (2) SSWSW Graduate Student Paper Award Committee Chair Dr. William Cabin at