There is power in knowledge. Stay informed. The following are links to help you stay abreast of what is happening, and not happening, on the Human Rights front.

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), is an American international non-profit organization with the stated goals of promoting cooperation among scientists, defending scientific freedom, encouraging scientific responsibility, and supporting scientific education and science outreach for the betterment of all humanity. 
  • Amnesty Internationala nongovernmental organization with its headquarters in the United Kingdom focuses on human rights.

  • Human Rights Watch (HRW), a nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization founded in 1978 is an excellent source of information on human rights conditions around the world. Every year it publishes more than 100 reports and briefings on human rights conditions in around ninety countries, which in turn generates coverage of these conditions in local, national, and international media. It uses its leverage to press governments, organizations, corporations, and other institutions to develop policies and take actions designed to improve human rights conditions.

  • Institute for Human Rights Business (IHRB)'s mission is to shape policy, advance practice and strengthen accountability in order to make respect for human rights part of everyday business.

  • Movements is nongovernmental, nonpartisan, and singularly focused on promoting the human rights of all people.
  • Peace Direct believes that local people have the power to find their own solutions to conflict. Their mission is to work with local communities to stop violence and build sustainable peace.
  • The Carter Center is a nongovernmental organization that helps to improve lives by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy and preventing diseases.
  • The United Nations News provides a suite of multimedia products and services covering the work of the United Nations both at Headquarters and around the world.