Human Rights OrganizationsThe following are human rights organizations that individuals can contact for their research, volunteer opportunities, employment, and donations.

  • Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally. They are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. They are funded by members and people like you. They are independent of any political ideology, economic interest or religion. No government is beyond scrutiny. No situation is beyond hope. Through their detailed research and determined campaigning, they help fight abuses of human rights worldwide. They bring torturers to justice. Change oppressive laws. And free people jailed just for voicing their opinion.
  • Directory of Scientific Society Action on Human Rights (American Association for the Advancement of Science), this website serves as a resource for scientific societies that may be interested in networking with other scientific societies or learning what other groups are doing in the area of human rights. This website will be of interest to human rights organizations who are interested in partnering with scientific societies on specific activities, such as fact-finding missions or letter writing campaigns.

  • Human Rights Careers provides a list and descriptions of 25 international human rights organizations.

  • Human Rights Watch (HRW) investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world. They are roughly 450 people of 70-plus nationalities who are country experts, lawyers, journalists, and others who work to protect the most at risk, from vulnerable minorities and civilians in wartime, to refugees and children in need. They direct their advocacy towards governments, armed groups and businesses, pushing them to change or enforce their laws, policies and practices. To ensure theirependence, they refuse government funding and corporate ties. They partner with organizations large and small across the globe to protect embattled activists and to help hold abusers to account and bring justice to victims.
  • Movements is an online crowdsourcing platform that connects civil society activists and human rights defenders in repressive countries with resource providers from across the world. This is done by capitalizing on a preexisting global network of professional expertise. gives activists inside repressive countries access to the knowledge and resources that they would otherwise be isolated from. This improves the landscape of human rights by creating a secure environment where activists can get rights-based support and resources.
  • Peace Direct does not establish country offices or employ expatriate staff. They believe that the current structure of the aid system is flawed, and that peace is not sustainable if imposed from the outside. They do not arrive in conflict zones, or leave them — instead they find creative ways to support local organisations to implement their own work, helping them to tackle the root causes of conflict—like prejudice, fear, and poverty. By partnering with local organisations in areas of conflict, they help to support already-impactful peacebuilding projects and work to stop war and save lives.
  • The Advocates for Human Rights, a 501(c)(3) organization, works to change systems and conditions that cause human rights abuses. They fight injustice and improve laws and lives throughout the world while representing individual victims of human rights violations.
  • The Carter Center, founded in partnership with Emory University on a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering, the Center seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health.
  • The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), founded in 2009, is the leading international think tank on business and human rights. IHRB’s mission is to shape policy, advance practice and strengthen accountability in order to make respect for human rights part of everyday business.
  • Voices for Human Rights


University Human Rights Centers. The following are centers on human rights at universities that individuals can contact for their research and to seek advice on how to establish a comparable center on their own campus.