Deadline: 1/31/25

The Gender, Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Division (GSPC) invites graduate students to submit papers for the 2025 Graduate Student Paper Award Competition. Papers may be empirical and/or theoretical and may be on any aspect of gender and sexualities, broadly defined. Two winners will be selected: one for gender scholarship and one for sexualities (broadly). The winners will receive a cash award of $100, an electronic certificate of recognition, student membership in SSSP for 2025, and complimentary registration for the 2025 Annual Meeting to help the winners attend the meeting. The winners will be invited to present the winning paper at one of the GSPC sessions at the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting.

To be eligible, a paper must meet the following criteria:

  1. the applicant must be a graduate student at the time of the SSSP Annual Meeting on August 8-10, 2025;
  2. the applicant must be the first (lead) author on the paper;
  3. the paper must not be co-authored with a faculty member or a colleague who is not a student;
  4. the paper must not have been submitted to or accepted for publication;
  5. the paper must not have been presented previously at SSSP or presented or accepted for presentation at other professional meetings, unless they have been revised substantially with new data, findings, or theoretical contributions;
  6. the paper must not exceed 30 pages including notes, references, and tables;
  7. the paper must be typed using the 12-point font in either Times New Roman or a similar sized font;
  8. student papers may only be submitted to one of the SSSP division award competitions.

All submitting authors are required to submit their papers through the annual meeting Call for Papers process as a condition for consideration for the award. Please submit your paper to be considered for the GSPC Division Graduate Student Paper Competition electronically as a Microsoft Word or PDF file to alithia zamantakis at and Meghna Bhat Paper submission must be dated via electronic time/date stamp on or before 1/31/25.


Deadline: 1/15/25

The Gender, Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Division (GSPC) invites members to submit papers for the 2025 Outstanding Article Award. For the 2025 award, the division will consider peer-reviewed articles published between 2023 and 2025. Papers may be empirical and/or theoretical and may be in the areas of politics of gender and sexualities, broadly defined. Two winners will be selected: one for gender scholarship and one for sexualities (broadly). The winners will receive a cash award of $50 and will be featured in the division newsletter.

To be eligible, the article must meet the follow criteria:

  1. the article must have been published by a peer-reviewed journal between January 1, 2023 and January 1, 2025;
  2. the article may be written by students or faculty, solo or co-authored;
  3. the article may only be submitted to one SSSP division’s Outstanding Scholar competition.

Winners are expected to attend the GSPC Division business meeting at the 2025 SSSP Annual Meeting.

Applicants must submit a brief letter explaining how their article advances gender scholarship and a PDF copy their article to alithia zamantakis at and Meghna Bhat Submissions must be dated via electronic time/date stamp on or before 1/15/25. Self-nominations must be dated via electronic time/date stamp on or before 1/15/25. Self-nominations are encouraged.