The C. Wright Mills Award was presented at the Virtual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, August 5.

The 2020 C. Wright Mills Award Winner is:

Dr. Danielle T. Raudenbush

Health Care Off the Books: Poverty, Illness, and Strategies for Survival in Urban America

University of California Press


Congratulations, Dr. Raudenbush!

Congratulations, also, to all of the 2020 C. Wright Mills Award Finalists

Ben-Moshe, Liat, Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition, University of Minnesota Press

Childers, Trenita Brookshire, In Someone Else's Country: Anti-Haitian Racism and Citizenship in the Dominican Republic, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 

Clair, Matthew, Privilege and Punishment: How Race and Class Matter in Criminal Court, Princeton University Press

Elcioglu, Emine Fidan, Divided by the Wall: Progressive and Conservative Immigration Politics at the U.S.-Mexico Border, University of California Press

Escudero, Kevin, Organizing While Undocumented: Immigrant Youth’s Political Activism Under the Law, NYU Press

Lewis, Jovan Scott, Scammer's Yard: The Crime of Black Repair in Jamaica, University of Minnesota Press



Melissa F. Weiner, Chair, College of the Holy Cross
Tsedale M. Melaku, Chair-Elect, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Maryann Erigha, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Myra Marx FerreeUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Daina Cheyenne Harvey, College of the Holy Cross
Jerome Krase, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Amaka Camille Okechukwu, George Mason University
Ranita Ray, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Mary Scherer, Sam Houston State University