Thank you for voting on the Proposed 2025 Membership Dues Increase. A total of 299 votes were cast by 2024 SSSP members, representing 26% of the membership. We are pleased to share that all five proposed items have passed.

Per the Society’s Bylaws:

The Board of Directors may, by a majority vote of its total voting membership, propose changes in the membership dues of the Society. All such proposed changes shall be submitted for ratification at the annual business meeting of the Society. They shall take effect if approved by a two-thirds vote of the business meeting. If they fail of approval by a two-thirds vote, the Board of Directors may submit the proposed changes to an electronic ballot of the total membership, and they shall take effect if approved by a majority voting in the electronic ballot. The electronic ballot shall remain open for sixty days and the results tabulated and verified by the Elections Committee. 

Below are the voting results:

1: Create New Dues Category: $100,000-$149,999 from $275 to $385

Approve: 214 (72%)
Do Not Approve: 68
Abstain: 17


2: Create New Dues Category: $150,000 & Up: $425

Approve: 234 (78%)
Do Not Approve: 53
Abstain: 12


3: Departmental Memberships: Increase from $94 to $200 (this will include three complimentary student memberships

Approve: 244 (82%)
Do Not Approve: 42
Abstain: 13


4: Create New Sustaining Membership Levels: Diamond-$3,000 * Platinum: $2,500 * Gold: $2,000 (existing sustaining members retain this title)

Approve: 255 (85%)
Do Not Approve: 25
Abstain: 19


5: Membership Dues: Increase all dues categories

Approve: 148 (49%)
Do Not Approve: 128
Abstain: 23
