The deadline to nominate books for the Call for Books for the 2025 Annual Meeting's Author Meets Critics Sessions was December 15, 2024. 


Nominations are now closed for the Call for Books for the 2025 Annual Meeting's Author Meets Critics Sessions. Check back next fall for information on how to nominate books for the Call for Books for the 2026 Annual Meeting's Author Meets Critics Sessions.

Author Meets Critic Sessions are designed to bring authors of recent books considered to be important contributions to the study of social problems and the advancement of social justice together with discussants chosen to provide different viewpoints. Only books published in 2023 or 2024 are eligible for nomination. You must be a current SSSP member to submit a nomination. All nominations must be submitted online. Self-nominations are not accepted. At the discretion of the Program Chair, the Committee may invite authors whose work is particularly relevant to the year’s theme, Insurgent Sociology in a Time of Crises."


Proposals must include:

  1. Complete Book Title (include publisher name and publication date)

  2. Brief statement (200 words maximum) about the book’s importance to the study of social problems and the advancement of social justice in general, as well as the relevance of the book for the annual meeting’s theme

  3. Session Organizer(s), including their e-mail address(es)—authors cannot serve as session organizers

  4. A list of potential critics, including their e-mail addresses

Please address all questions to:

Dr. Assata Zerai, Chair
Program Committee