Latest SSSP News

Archives - October 2015

October 26, 2015

Nominations are open for candidates to run in the 2017 General Election

Nominations are open for candidates to run in the 2017 General Election.  We will be electing a President-Elect, a Vice-President Elect, regular and student members of the Board of Directors, members of the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee, Committee on Committees, Editorial and Publications Committee, and the Membership and Outreach Committee.  Please consider nominating a colleague or yourself for one of these offices by completing the online nomination form.

Nominations should include a brief description of the nominee’s SSSP involvement and other relevant experiences.  The Nominations Committee will meet at the Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA.  All nominations should be submitted prior to Wednesday, June 15, 2016.  The Board of Directors will approve the slate of candidates for the 2017 General Election on August 21, 2016.  If you have any questions, please contact Bhoomi K. Thakore, Chairperson, Council of the Divisions.

Note: If a SSSP member is interested in serving on an appointed committee, the member may select the appropriate committee when renewing membership.  The Administrative Office will give your name to the Committee on Committees for consideration.

10/26/2015, 09:14 AM


October 22, 2015

Renew your membership today!

Renew your membership today! Current membership guarantees access to all of SSSP’s publications, latest news, and professional networking with other scholar-activists. Click here to renew today!

10/22/2015, 09:55 AM


October 20, 2015

Benefits of Membership

Perhaps no other professional organization is as committed to tackling contemporary social problems and redefining historical social facts as the SSSP.  Our community of activist scholars places a priority on supporting not only emerging scholarship, but on supporting graduate students and junior scholars.  For many respected senior scholars, SSSP was the first organization that actively supported their work by inviting them into a dynamic community of individuals dedicated to activist scholarship.  Membership provides access to this welcoming community of individuals who do rigorous, groundbreaking social research.  Through our annual meetings and our highly regarded journal, Social Problems, SSSP has shared new knowledge and developed myriad working partnerships and professional friendships for over 60 years.  Please consider joining us in this worthwhile endeavor by becoming a member or renewing your membership today!

10/20/2015, 10:58 AM


October 13, 2015

Complimentary Job Postings

SSSP provides complimentary job postings and there are several oppurtunities currently listed. If you are on the market or a potential employer visit our Job Opportunities webpage for more information. 

10/13/2015, 08:31 AM


October 09, 2015

The Call for Papers for the 2016 Annual Meeting is now live!

The Call for Papers for the 2016 Annual Meeting is now live!  View the Student Paper Competitions and Outstanding Scholarship Awards announcement and submit a paper or nominate a book, article, or scholar!  We are very excited about our 66th Annual Meeting, to be held August 19-21, 2016 at the Westin Seattle Hotel in Seattle, WA.  This year’s theme selected by President David A. Smith is Globalizing Social Problems.  Please visit the following links for more information and forward to others who may be interested.  You will also be receiving a poster in the mail shortly.

We look forward to seeing you in Seattle!

10/09/2015, 12:18 PM


October 06, 2015

2015 Annual Meeting Highlight page

The 2015 Annual Meeting highlight page is now available!  For survey results, meeting minutes, featured abstracts, presidential address audio, photos taken, and much more, visit

10/06/2015, 09:23 AM