Latest SSSP News

Archives - June 2019

June 28, 2019

Increased Impact Factor announced

In June 2019, the Web of Science Group, part of Clarivate Analytics, released the update to its annual Journal Citation Reports reflecting data from the 2018 publishing year.

The Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Group, 2019) are annually compiled to aggregate the meaningful connections of citations created by the research community through the delivery of a rich array of publisher-independent data, metrics and analysis of the world’s high-quality academic journals.

These metrics include the Journal Impact Factor and category rankings.  The Journal Citation Reports calculate these metrics based on a variety of criteria, including the number of citations each article receives in other journals.  Librarians, researchers, and tenure committees consider Journal Impact Factor rankings among the factors that determine a journal's benefit to and cache within the scholarly community.

The 2018 Journal Impact Factor ranking forSocial Problems placed it among the top 20 journals in all of sociology—with an impact factor of 2.789.  The 5-Year impact factor of 3.435 speaks to the enduring quality of the journal and the lasting importance of its content to the field, especially as the number sociology journals continues to grow over time.  In celebration of this accomplishment, a collection of highly cited articles is now freely available. 

While these rankings do not provide the entire picture of a journal, including its peer-review process, its history, or value to a niche audience, they do relay a journal’s overall discoverability, relative significance in the field, and timeliness of content—aspects that result from the hard work and foresight of its editorial office, a healthy society membership and reader base, and a diligent publisher able to utilize every means possible to enhance visibility in a digital environment. Social Problems’ ongoing ranking among the highest-cited journals warrants hearty congratulations to the Editors of Social Problems -- past and present -- and their teams, whose efforts have ensured that Social Problems remains one of the most influential outlets in our discipline!

06/28/2019, 11:58 AM


June 25, 2019

Be a Mentor or Be Mentored—Deadline June 30

The Meeting Mentor Program is designed to facilitate interaction between new members or graduate students and meeting veterans at the annual meeting.  Mentors provide valuable knowledge about the SSSP and Annual Meeting activities as well as insight into their own experiences as scholar activists.  To serve as a mentor or to be matched with a mentee, visit:

06/25/2019, 10:22 AM


June 20, 2019

Why stay at the SSSP Conference Hotel?

You’ll not only be at the center of all the events at the annual meeting, but you’ll also be helping to fund SSSP’s mission,

Reservations must be confirmed by Tuesday, July 16, 2019 to guarantee our negotiated group rate. Reservations received after or if the room block is filled prior to that date, are subject to availability and rate increase. 
To learn more visit:

06/20/2019, 08:15 AM

2019 Proposed Resolutions

Resolutions constitute an important opportunity for our scholar-activist membership to analyze and offer their opinions on contemporary social problems that we believe the Society should address as a social justice organization.  All SSSP members are invited to review the proposed 2019 resolutions and participate in the resolutions process.

New resolution guidelines were adopted in order to promote and facilitate wider discussion prior to formal consideration at the 2019 Business Meeting [Saturday, August 10 from 4:15pm–5:25pm, Grand Ballroom].  To that end, please review the four proposed resolutions.  An open forum to discuss the proposed resolutions will be held on Friday, August 9, 2:30pm–4:10pm, Plaza Suite.  Possible modifications to the resolutions will be considered during the open discussion.  The revised (if any) resolutions will then be presented as a package for approval by the membership at the business meeting.

06/20/2019, 08:00 AM


June 18, 2019

Few Tickets Remaining for Optional Walking Tours and One-Day Workshops

In addition to all of the exciting sessions, panel discussions, and events, we are pleased to offer optional One-Day Workshops and a chance for our attendees to discover things about New York City by joining a walking tour. There are a limited number of tickets remaining for the “Community-Based Participatory Action Research” and “Institutional Ethnography” workshops, and the “African Burial Ground National Monument” and “Grand Central Terminal: Transportation, Architecture, and Preservation” walking tours. Click the links below for more information and to secure your ticket today!

Register here

06/18/2019, 01:25 PM


June 13, 2019

Call for Nominations for the SSSP 2020 General Election (deadline 6/15)

Nominations remain open for candidates to run in the SSSP 2020 General Election (deadline 6/15).  For more information, visit:

06/13/2019, 08:00 AM


June 11, 2019

Planning Your New York City Visit

If you’re coming to the 2019 Annual Meeting, you’ll want to consult these Welcome to New York links and our Receptions and Special Events schedule to make sure you don’t miss a thing:

Register here:!/

06/11/2019, 09:22 AM


June 06, 2019

Questions that you may have about the Annual Meeting

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the 2019 Annual Meeting, which will take place in a little over two months!  Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about SSSP Annual Meetings:

06/06/2019, 08:20 AM


June 04, 2019

Make your Hotel Reservation for the Annual Meeting

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held at the Roosevelt Hotel.  Consider securing a room in the SSSP room block at our discounted room rate of $229 single/double rate plus tax, per night.  Staying in the conference hotel will be very convenient for you.  Reservations must be confirmed by Tuesday, July 16, 2019 to guarantee our negotiated group rate.  Reservations received after or if the room block is filled prior to that date, are subject to availability and rate increase.  To learn more visit:

06/04/2019, 08:19 AM