Latest SSSP News

Archives - October 2023

October 31, 2023

Now Accepting Nominations for the 2024 Lee Founders Award

Established in 1981, the Lee Founders award is made in recognition of significant lifetime achievements demonstrating a devotion to the ideals of the founders of the Society and especially to the humanist tradition of Alfred McClung Lee and Elizabeth Briant Lee. The award carries a stipend of $500. Members of the Society may now nominate one or more persons for the award.

Now Accepting Nominations - Lee Founders Award

10/31/2023, 10:26 AM


October 26, 2023

The Author’s Attic

The “Authors’ Attic” is a forum that provides authors an opportunity to discuss pressing and relevant social issues of our time. Check out the latest video where stef m. shuster and Laurel Westbrook discuss Trans Joy and what it means for so many people!

10/26/2023, 08:32 AM


October 24, 2023

November issue of Social Problems is now available

SSSP members can now access the November issue of Social Problems. View the issue on our website or with the members-only link for complimentary access. All issues from 1953 to now are available. Members are required to login using their e-mail and password.

10/24/2023, 10:13 AM


October 19, 2023

Membership & Outreach Committee: Andrea Miller

This year’s Membership & Outreach Committee is chaired by me—Andrea Miller, who is a decade’s long contingent faculty member. As we broaden our membership, please think about contingent faculty you know. Also, don’t forget to check out SSSP member Seth Khan's 2023 Featured Abstract from his conference paper “We are not Walmart: Contingent Academic Work and the ‘Walmartization’ of Higher Education."

Dr. Andrea Miller

10/19/2023, 08:34 AM


October 17, 2023

The 2024 Call for Papers is now live

The Call for Papers for the 2024 Annual Meeting is now live! View the Student Paper Competitions and Outstanding Scholarship Awards announcement and submit a paper or nominate a book, article, or scholar.

SSSP 2024 Call for Papers Now Live

10/17/2023, 08:20 AM


October 12, 2023

Save the Date: Second Regional Conference on Academic Freedom in the Americas

Save the date! On November 9 and 10, join Scholars at Risk online and in Curitiba, Brazil for the Second Regional Conference on Academic Freedom in the Americas, organized by the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA) and hosted by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná-PUCPR.

10/12/2023, 08:45 AM


October 10, 2023

2023 AAAS Science, Technology and Human Rights Conference: October 16-24

The 2023 AAAS Science, Technology, and Human Rights Conference will feature both a virtual component (October 16-20) and in-person sessions at AAAS headquarters in Washington, DC (October 23-24). The theme is The Human Right to Science: Pathways for Action. Find the current program, speakers list, and additional information. Highlights this year include: 

  • Virtual and in-person networking with others passionate about science and human rights 
  • Opportunities to learn more about what the right to science is, why it matters, and how it is being used in practice around the world 
  • Spotlights on scientist-community collaborations that advance justice and dignity 
  • Free registration for the virtual portion for students and early career individuals 

Coalition members receive discounts on registration. Register here

10/10/2023, 04:02 PM


October 05, 2023

Nominations for the 2023 C. Wright Mills Award

Nominations are open for the C. Wright Mills Award. Members of the Society are encouraged (but not required) to submit letters of nomination for this prestigious annual award. Self-nominations are acceptable. Authors and/or nominators do not need to be current members of SSSP. Edited volumes, textbooks, fiction and self-published works are not eligible. Eligible books must be first edition (not a reprint or later edition) and bear a 2023 copyright. Exceptions may be made for a book bearing a 2022 copyright, but that was not released until 2023 for the first time. The C. Wright Mills Award, established in 1964, is made annually and carries with it a stipend of $1,000 for the author(s) of the winning book. The deadline for the 2023 award nominations is December 15, 2023.

Nominations for C. Wright Mills Award Now Open

10/05/2023, 08:36 AM


October 03, 2023

Buy One, Get One Free Promotion for Divisional Memberships

There has never been a better time to renew your SSSP membership and to add a new Division. The Board of Directors has approved a Buy One, Get One Free Promotion for Divisional Membership for “early birds” who join or renew their membership between October 1 and December 31, 2023 for the 2024 calendar year. Find a list and descriptions of the 23 SSSP Divisions. To add a division, login and navigate to “Purchase a Division” under the “Divisions” section.

10/03/2023, 08:26 AM