Nominations and elections for the following SSSP positions are conducted every year. To read a position's description, click on the appropriate link.
There should be a commitment to nominating a diverse slate of nominees. This includes diversity based on racial-ethnic background, gender and sexual identities, geographic locations, and institutional settings (e.g., academia, practitioners, organizations, etc.).
To nominate a SSSP member for an elected position, please complete this form. All nominees must be a current member and must have attended at least one annual meeting to be considered for an elected office. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations for the 2026 SSSP General Election positions are due no later than the extended deadline of 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Monday, June 30, 2025.
For which position? (check those that apply)
If you selected more than one position above, please rank the positions indicating which you most prefer to be nominated for:
Information about the Nominee
Nominee's Involvement with SSSP
The Board of Directors will approve the slate of candidates for the 2026 General Election on August 10, 2025.
* Required
NOTE: Do Not Alter These Fields: