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African Independence Film Exhibit

The Program Committee is proud to exhibit AFRICAN INDEPENDENCE on Friday, August 21 from 4:15pm-6:30pm.  This award winning film by Dr. Tukufu Zuberi highlights the birth and problems confronted by Africans to win independence.  This story is related through the voices of freedom fighters and leaders who achieved independence, across four pivotal events—World War Two, the end of colonialism, the Cold War, and the era of African Republics.  This film offers a unique perspective designed to enlighten audience’s insights about Africans into the continent’s past, present, and future.  The film will be hosted by Dr. Zuberi, Lasry Family Professor of Race Relations and Professor of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Posted Tuesday, 07/21/2015, 10:03 AM - Comments - Category: Annual Meeting