Latest SSSP News

Archives - July 2021

July 29, 2021

Want to nail your #SSSP2021 presentation?

Want to nail your #SSSP2021 presentation? Make it inclusive! Check out our tips on how to create accessible virtual presentations:

Post written by Carley Geiss, Department of Sociology, University of South Florida, Membership and Outreach Committee

07/29/2021, 08:43 AM


July 27, 2021

Virtual Annual Meeting Sponsors

We’re excited to announce the 71st Virtual Annual Meeting, August 4-7. A special thanks to the Association for Humanist Sociology; Bristol University Press | Home of Policy Press; Critical Sociology; Oxford University Press; and Stonehill College, Tom & Donna May School of Arts & Sciences for their financial contributions to our virtual program activities. Please mark your calendar for this important conference. We hope to see you there. If you have not renewed your membership or joined SSSP, please consider doing so today.

07/27/2021, 09:14 AM


July 26, 2021

Anti-Harassment Committee – General Session for Everyone

The Anti-Harassment Committee has been hosting virtual listening sessions this month regarding SSSP members’ experiences, interests and needs regarding harassment. Please plan to join the General Session for Everyone on Monday, July 26, 10:00am-11:00am (Eastern Time). Please contact Sarah Jane Brubaker ( if you are interested in attending. If you are unable to attend, we would also be willing to meet with you individually via phone or video. Please contact Sarah Jane Brubaker, committee chair, at for more information.

07/26/2021, 08:09 AM


July 22, 2021

Deadline to Comment on Proposed Resolutions-July25

The Board of Directors agreed that all proposed resolutions would be posted for membership comment. Between July 14 and July 25, the resolutions will be available for review and comment by the Society’s membership. During this review period, current members can express online, their support or opposition to a resolution, and their reasoning. They can also propose changes to the resolution for the Board of Directors’ consideration and final disposition. Click here to comment on the proposed resolutions. Note: You must be a current member to access this pageClick here to join or renew.

07/22/2021, 06:28 AM


July 20, 2021

Oxford University Press – High Impact Sociology Research

To keep up to date with the latest research your peers are reading and citing, browse Oxford University Press’ selection of high impact articles below (including an article from Social Problems).

  • ‘Attitudes Towards Minorities in Times of High Immigration: A Panel Study among Young Adults in Germany’ in European Sociological Review
  • Motherwork Under the State: The Maternal Labor of Formerly Incarcerated Black Women’ in Social Problems
  • ‘Digital Coercive Control: Insights From Two Landmark Domestic Violence Studies’ in The British Journal of Criminology

All articles are freely available to read, download, and enjoy until 31 December 2021 here:

07/20/2021, 09:11 AM


July 15, 2021

Anti-Harassment Committee Listening Sessions – Types of Harassment

The Anti-Harassment Committee is hosting virtual listening sessions regarding SSSP members’ experiences, interests and needs regarding harassment. Below is the schedule of sessions based on types of harassment. Please contact the member listed for the session you are interested in attending.

Types of Harassment

Race/Ethnicity: Héctor Delgado (

Wednesday, July 14, 4:00pm-5:00pm (Eastern Time)

Gender/Sexuality: Sarah Jane Brubaker (

Monday, July 19, 10:00am-11:00am (Eastern Time)

Religion: Wendy Simonds (

Thursday, July 22, 11:30am-12:30pm (Eastern Time)

(Dis)ability: Alycia Wright (

Friday, July 23, 11:00am-12:00pm

If you are interested in participating but unable to make one of the scheduled sessions, we would also be willing to meet with you individually via phone or video. Please contact Sarah Jane Brubaker, committee chair, at for more information.

07/15/2021, 06:39 AM


July 13, 2021

Few Tickets Remaining for Optional One-Day Virtual Workshops

In addition to all of the exciting sessions, panel discussions, and events, we are pleased to offer optional One-Day Virtual Workshops. There are a limited number of tickets remaining for the “Advancing Activist Scholarship and Engaged Pedagogy in Promotion and Tenure,” “Institutional Ethnography,” and “Social Impact Social Change: Storytelling” workshops. Click here for more information and to secure your ticket(s) today.

Register here

07/13/2021, 07:59 AM


July 09, 2021

Accessibility Guidelines

SSSP strives to make our annual meeting as accessible as possible. To find some helpful Accessibility Guidelines that are important to incorporate into your presentation as well the Accessibility Services available to all conference registrants, click here:

07/09/2021, 08:31 AM


July 07, 2021

Social Problems Impact Factor and Ranking

The 2020 Journal Impact Factor ranking for Social Problems placed it among the top 25% in all of sociology—with an impact factor of 3.115. The 5-Year impact factor of 4.951 speaks to the enduring quality of the journal and the lasting importance of its content to the field, especially as the number sociology journals continues to grow over time. In recognition of this announcement, Social Problems invites you to access a virtual collection of freely accessible high impact articles. SSSP wants to thank our current editors Annulla Linders and Earl Wright II and incoming editor Derrick R. Brooms and their colleagues for all of their hard work on the journal.

07/07/2021, 07:02 AM


July 02, 2021

Review the 2021 Virtual Preliminary Program

The virtual preliminary program for the 71st Virtual Annual Meeting is available for review. Check out the program schedule for detailed information including a rich assortment of sessions and evening social activities. All conference programming will take place in Eastern Time. To register, click here.

07/02/2021, 05:41 AM